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ObjectBuilder and Blender

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Hi there!

I've just started to model something with blender, and i'm facing my first problem.

I made a pretty simple house in blender and I tried to import it as .obj in OB but the object is missing some faces.

I'vef the same problem even if I try with a simple cube.

Here two screens to show my problem:



What am I missing?

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Obj export likes to reverse faces. They are still there, but faced the wrong way. Click the face and hit W.

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if you want to use blender for modeling you should get the arma toolbox plugin for blender http://friedenhq.org/?page_id=251 It'll let you export directly to a .p3d, as well as do most of your other needed work directly in blender(assigning textures, .rvmat files, doing animations, etc)

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Is there a way to prevent that?

I've already tried it, but it fails to export it. The file is 0 kb.

Edited by Giallustio

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Is there a way to prevent that?

I've already tried it, but it fails to export it. The file is 0 kb.

I think you can reverse the faces on export, at least i remember doing that at some point in 3DSMax before we had .fbx supoort in Object Builder. Blender does support FBX doesn't it???

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I export as fbx, it maintains edges, faces and size. But o2 never really has liked .obj

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Yeah i fixed! I checked again the faces in Blender. I recalculated some with cntrl + N and then I exported the model in fbx. It works great now! Thank you!

Can I import the UV map too with fbx?


Another problem:

When I import the model in O2 it says that I've some Non-closed vertices. How can i fix this? Is there a way to not fix it in O2?

Edited by Giallustio

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Fbx will hold uv coordinates yes. Non closed vertices shouldnt matter too much on your view lods (as long as they cant be seen), they do need to be closed for geo/shadow lods though.

Highlight your entire model, got up on the tabs

Structure > Topology > Find Non Closed

They will be highlighted red. Then go back and highlight, same tab menu and hit Close. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. But, keep in mind in your view lods that doing this will create new faces that are not in your uv map, so tex results wont look good. Best thing to do is close them and uv map everything before export. Geo/shadow lods wont matter if closed using this method as they arent tex'd

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I've already tried it, but it fails to export it. The file is 0 kb.

you need to define the object as an arma object. select your object in blender, hit "n" to bring up properties window, and click the "make arma object" button.

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Yeah, my problem is for the GEO. I don't understand. I selected 3 vertices that are marked as non-closed and I created a new face with F6, but they are always marked as non-closed.

By the way, since I'm at the beginning, what's the best? 3ds studio max or blender?

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Did you try to close them using the above method? O2 wont always create a face. 3ds max is probably better as it costs money, lol, but i have used blender for a long while, and have created anything guys with 3ds can. 3ds bakes better i think, but i use xnormal to bake anyways

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I could have 3ds for free since i'm a student, this is why i'm asking.

I tried, but the close button is not highlighted.

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Just tried. Cntrl+A, close. It closed some, but not all, so I re did it and OB crashed

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I'm getting mad :D

In Blender I tried to: Select -> Loose Geometry -> fixed the problem i didnt noticed before. Exported the file in fbx, same error.

Is it normal that all the faces are triangles loaded in OB?

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I would manually close open faces. And in O2 go to structure tab, and hit squarize, will convert bsck to quads

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