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Config.cpp some input after Endoffile error

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I'm trying to write an enhanced config file for StalkerGBs units, and every time I try and launch with my config, I get the some input after endoffile error.

RPT comes up with this:

13:03:47 File stkr_britmtp_cfg\config.cpp, line 3: '/CfgPatches/STKR_BritMTP.units': Missing ';' prior '}'
13:03:47 File stkr_britmtp_cfg\config.cpp, line 4: '/CfgPatches.weapons': Missing ';' prior '}'
13:03:47 File stkr_britmtp_cfg\config.cpp, line 6: '.requiredAddons': Missing ';' prior '}'

and the 3 lines in question:

class CfgPatches {

class STKR_BritMTP
	weapons = {"STKR_UBACS", "STKR_UBACS_KNEE", "STKR_UBACS_GLV", "STKR_Osprey_R", "STKR_Osprey_G", "STKR_Osprey_SL", "STKR_MK7", "STKR_MK7_Scrim", "STKR_MK7_ScrimB", "STKR_HMNVS", "STKR_L129A1_ACOG", "STKR_UBACS_ROLL", "STKR_Osprey_MG"};
	requiredVersion = 0.900000;
	requiredAddons = {"CUP_Weapons_L85", "CUP_Weapons_L110", "CUP_Weapons_L7A2", "CUP_Weapons_Glock17", "CUP_Weapons_NLAW", "STKR_L129A1"};
	magazines = {};
	ammo = {};

Anyone see whats wrong with it?

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Units, Weapons and Units are arrays so they need to be defined as such , just add a set of square brackets after them.

units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredAddons[] = {};

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