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Multiple editor/ mod related questions (@alive, @caf_ag)

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I describe my setup, and then ask questions about some things i could not fix / find out myself...


I use a local dedicated server for testing, stable branch. The server was installed with steam and gets launched thru TADST.


The Mission plays on Chernarus. BLUFOR (Nato) and OPFOR (CSAT) are playable and have one base at an airfield each.

Independent forces are ai controlled and are spawned on a huge part of the map.

Main objective for BLU and RED is to erradicate the other faction. Independent troops attack BLU and RED.

The number of reinforcements for all factions is calculated by their power (How much zones/objectives they control).

Used Mods:


Server start line:

-port=2302 "-config=C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Server\TADST\default\TADST_config.cfg" "-cfg=C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Server\TADST\default\TADST_basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Server\TADST\default" -name=default -pid=pid.log -ranking=ranking.log "-mod=@a3mp;@alive;@AliveServer;@ASR_AI3;@bwa3;@caf_ag;@CBA_A3;@cse;@task_force_radio;curator;heli;kart" -enableHT -noPause -noSound -nosplash -cpucount=8 -exthreads=7


  1. How can i turn multiple objects? For example i created a round shape with one opening, out of sandbags. I would like to copy and paste it to another location, but need to turn the whole group, not every object at its position.
  2. Why is my server is not visible in the "Play withSIX" server browser/launcher tool? I would like to recommend this tool to my friends so they can easily download the needed mods.
  3. I have placed empty vehicles in my base but sometimes they are not properly spawned and can even explode when they crush something. I have seen some maps where vehicles where clustered around the Base without one single error, how can I do it?
  4. I would like to use CAF Aggressors as the Independent faction (spawned by @alive). I configured it but it didnt work, the mission did not load up at all. There is a patch that adds the Independent 'flag' for CAF Aggressors factions, but it didnt work either. Is it not possible?
  5. Is it possible to get intel data of virtualized units? It seems to me that virtualized units on my side dont report virtualized enemies they (should) find?!
  6. I'm using Virtual Ammobox and Gear Select on a single Ammobox. Both gear menus work in editor preview, but not on my local dedicated server. Why?

That are currently my questions, i might add more soon :)

Thanks in advance!

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1. How can i turn multiple objects? For example i created a round shape with one opening, out of sandbags. I would like to copy and paste it to another location, but need to turn the whole group, not every object at its position.

Copy and paste them to the location you want to add them, then select the entire group and rotate them by holding shift, then clicking and dragging one of the units. All of the selected units should rotate around the center point.

3. I have placed empty vehicles in my base but sometimes they are not properly spawned and can even explode when they crush something. I have seen some maps where vehicles where clustered around the Base without one single error, how can I do it?

They just kept previewing and moving the vehicles until they got them in the right place. Or they used something like MCC to build their missions

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All of your mod specific questions should go in the respective threads for those mods, there is probably information in how to get the server on PW6, as I'm sure that is an FAQ.

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