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How would I configure this p3d to work in arma 3

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I have a table and for the life of me cannot figure out how to get this in to ArmA 3 working. Some background info, I don't have a config.cpp and I can't figure out how to adapt one correctly for my model. I want it to be really simple all it needs to do is be in the game and collide with stuff


Can any one give a link or config? Any info is greatly apreciated. I don't have much of a coding/scripting background much further than code cadamy but I have learned a bit of c++ trying to work my problem out.

Edited by grahas

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You need a shadowLOD and a geoLOD.

That's all you need besides one resolution LOD.

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OK justa couple of pointers (BTW he sent me the table via PM)

As a rule of thumb, each box in O2 represents a meter, so your table would have been around 200 meters long

I haven't had time to complete the table but I will if you like, what I have done is a simple box/cube that will work and shows the basics



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