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Linux Server - No .RPT-File

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Hey guys,

this weekend we launched our new server on a linux root server. So far everything works except the .rpt-file output. I really need it because I have problems with a mission on the server!

I know it has something to do with a "-profile"-Parameter but I don't know how to set it right!

I tried so far:

"-profiles=/home/steam/.local/share/Arma 3 - Other Profiles/server"

-profiles="/home/steam/.local/share/Arma 3 - Other Profiles/server"

-profiles=/home/steam/.local/share/Arma 3 - Other Profiles/server

"-profiles=\home\steam\.local\share\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\server"

-profiles="\home\steam\.local\share\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\server"

-profiles=\home\steam\.local\share\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\server

One might notice: I'm not that familiar working with linux.

I really hope you guys can help me out.

Many Greetings


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The linux binaries are not generating RPTs , but rather output errors to STDOUT and STDERR.

If you are using a bash script to launch the server you can add this at the end of the line lauching the server (and before the & if there is one:


Which specifies to put both STDOUT and STDERR lines inside the $TIMESTAMPLOG file (the variable $TIMESTAMPLOG is the varname)

For example I am using a generated name for the log file depending on the date when the server is launched:


(run those before actually launching the server)

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Okay, I get your first step. I use that:

/arma3server -par=startupparameter.txt 

so it'll be as far as I can see:

/arma3server -par=startupparameter.txt 1>>"$TIMESTAMPLOG" 2>>"$TIMESTAMPLOG" 

but what do you mean with:




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Its just to build a filename, it can be concatenated to something like

/arma3server -par=startupparameter.txt 1>>"arma3server_$(date +%s).rpt" 2>>"arma3server_$(date +%s).rpt"

then the rpts are stored on the same folder as your arma3 server.

for a different folder

/arma3server -par=startupparameter.txt 1>>"/path/to/arma3server_$(date +%s).rpt" 2>>"/path/to/arma3server_$(date +%s).rpt"

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Thanks a lot you just saved me so much time!!

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