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Time acceleratin without Zeus

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Hello, does someone know how to use the time acceleration from zeus?

Not interested in skip time, but placing module in Zeus every time isn't fine.

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The below is just a wrapper for setTimeMultiplier/timeMultiplier commands. This block accelerates time after a certain hour and stops accelerating time at a certain hour. Example application is an accelerated dark schedule.

// Run on server only

_startTimeX = 19.5;		// time of day (24hrs) you want time accelerator to start
_endTimeX = 5;			// time of day you want accelerator to end
_timeX = 120;			// accelerator variable: number between 0.1-120
_timeNormal = 1;		// non-accelerated default time-speed variable

while {TIME_X} do {
waitUntil {((time > _startTimeX) || (time < _endTimeX))};
if (!(TIME_X)) exitWith {};
setTimeMultiplier _timeX;
waitUntil {((time < _startTimeX) || (time > _endTimeX))};
if (!(TIME_X)) exitWith {};
setTimeMultiplier _timeNormal;


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Is that corerct in the init.sqf?

if(isServer) then


_startTimeX = 0.5;		// time of day (24hrs) you want time accelerator to start
_endTimeX = 23.5;			// time of day you want accelerator to end
_timeX = 120;			// accelerator variable: number between 0.1-120
_timeNormal = 1;		// non-accelerated default time-speed variable

while {TIME_X} do {
waitUntil {((time > _startTimeX) || (time < _endTimeX))};
if (!(TIME_X)) exitWith {};
setTimeMultiplier _timeX;
waitUntil {((time < _startTimeX) || (time > _endTimeX))};
if (!(TIME_X)) exitWith {};
setTimeMultiplier _timeNormal;

I mean calling it by isserver, because its stops some other scripts for some reason.

Edited by mr_shadow

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You can put it in the init with a little edit:

if(isServer) then

 [] spawn {  
_startTimeX = 0.5;        // time of day (24hrs) you want time accelerator to start
_endTimeX = 23.5;            // time of day you want accelerator to end
_timeX = 120;            // accelerator variable: number between 0.1-120
_timeNormal = 1;        // non-accelerated default time-speed variable

while {TIME_X} do {
   waitUntil {((time > _startTimeX) || (time < _endTimeX))};
   if (!(TIME_X)) exitWith {};
   setTimeMultiplier _timeX;
   waitUntil {((time < _startTimeX) || (time > _endTimeX))};
   if (!(TIME_X)) exitWith {};
   setTimeMultiplier _timeNormal;

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