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Multi-dimensional arrays

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I am embarrassed ask this,but Can someone explain to me why _count = count _multiArray1 select 0; // Output= 4? :confused:

however much i read it I don't understand the Output 4

// Multi-dimensional array example

_multiArray1 = [["Item1",1,2,3],["Item2",4,5,6]];

_count = count _multiArray1; // Output: 2

_count = count _multiArray1 select 0; // Output: 4

thank you

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Well, "_multiArray1 select 0" is first element of "_multiArray1" array, thus "["Item1",1,2,3]". This first element is also an array, composed of 4 elements. That's why the count command returns 4.

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Hi, multi-dimensional arrays can be a bit of a bugger when you first work with them.

Try looking at your _multiArray1 like this:

_multiArray1 = [
["Item1",1,2,3], //First entry in the _multiArray1 array (index = 0) which is what you get when you _multiArray select 0;
["Item2",4,5,6] //Second entry in the _multiArray1 array (index = 1) which is what you get when you _multiArray select 1;

When you do _multiArray1 select 0;, you get the first entry from your main array: ["Item1",1,2,3]. As you can see, there are four items in that: Item1, 1, 2 and 3. That's why when you do count _multiArray1 select 0;, you get 4 back. It first selects the value from _multiArray1, which is the array with 4 items and then runs the count command on that value.

I hope that explains things for you, what are you trying to do exactly?

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LOL now I understand it :yay: thank you ProfTournesol

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BadLuckBurt thank you for your explanation !

to be honest I find myself unable to do nothing, simply it makes me mad dont understand this concepts.

Edited by Rapax

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You're welcome. After I posted I saw that Prof. Tournesol ninja'd me but I decided to leave it there anyway.

And we've all been there. One thing that always helped me is breaking code down step by step. Sometimes things get a bit too abstract in the beginning when your brain first encounters a new situation and too many things happen at once. But the more you code, the less you need to do that because of the experience you gain :)

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oh,that is good start, thank you for the link Iceman, It's so glad to ask this way!

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