Rydygier 1317 Posted November 22, 2014 (edited) Exhibit No. 00003/20141122/Ryd HECTIC MUSE 1. The file Package contains two .sqf files: HM 1.0 (Armaholic) HM 1.0 (Dropbox) 2. What this does? Apparently user can paste both files into mission folder and then via init.sqf (included containing some example) pass into main function (_new = [_string,_find,_replace,_wildcard] call RYD_HecticMuse) any string, phrase to find in it and phrase, that should replace each found. Seems, code handles so called wildcard symbols and user can choose any symbol as wildcard following the rule, wildcard symbol must not be present in the input string. Hectic Muse returns changed string and also saves it in the clipboard. Exemplary results of conducted experiments: _string = ":-("; _find = "("; _replace = ")"; _wildcard = "?"; _new = [_string,_find,_replace,_wildcard] call RYD_HecticMuse; //:-) _string = "0A0 0B0 00"; _find = "0?0"; _replace = "X?X"; _wildcard = "?"; _new = [_string,_find,_replace,_wildcard] call RYD_HecticMuse; //XAX XBX XX _string = "ABCDE"; _find = "B?"; _replace = "?B"; _wildcard = "?"; _new = [_string,_find,_replace,_wildcard] call RYD_HecticMuse; //ACDEB _string = "my_fnc = { private ['_arr1','_arr2','_arr3','_val1','_val2','_val3']; _arr1 = _this select 0; _arr2 = _this select 1; _arr3 = _this select 2; _val1 = 1; _val2 = 2; _val3 = 3; _arr1 set [(count _arr1),_val1]; _arr2 set [(count _arr2),_val2]; _arr3 set [(count _arr3),_val3]; [_arr1,_arr2,_arr3] };"; _find = "set [(count ?),"; _replace = "pushback "; _wildcard = "?"; _new = [_string,_find,_replace,_wildcard] call RYD_HecticMuse; _find = "pushback ?]"; _replace = "pushBack ?"; _new = [_new,_find,_replace,_wildcard] call RYD_HecticMuse; /*my_fnc = { private ['_arr1','_arr2','_arr3','_val1','_val2','_val3']; _arr1 = _this select 0; _arr2 = _this select 1; _arr3 = _this select 2; _val1 = 1; _val2 = 2; _val3 = 3; _arr1 pushBack _val1; _arr2 pushBack _val2; _arr3 pushBack _val3; [_arr1,_arr2,_arr3] };*/ Artifact wasn't tested thoroughly enough to exclude risk of any unexpected results in some special cases - limited trust recommended, reports about such cases - appreciated. Apparently Hectic Muse is compatibile only with "strings", while for 'strings' may return erratic result. Because of that HC can't handle strings containing " symbols. Content of the HM files: init.sqf: call compile preprocessFile "HM_fnc.sqf";//preparing _string = "0A0 0B0 00";//any "string" not containing " nor wildcard symbols _find = "0?0";//phrase to find _replace = "X?X";//replacement phrase _wildcard = "?";//chosen wildcard symbol; _new = [_string,_find,_replace,_wildcard] call RYD_HecticMuse;//execution - result also copied into the clipboard to paste anywhere with ctrl + v HM_fnc.sqf: RYD_HM_FindCharIxs = { private ["_string","_chars","_div","_cnt","_cntM","_cntCs","_toChange","_elToC","_bIx","_eIx","_cut","_toC","_toC2","_found","_oFound","_char","_cntC","_ix","_nIx","_stringN","_charN","_inBetween"]; _string = _this select 0; _chars = _this select 1; _div = _this select 2; _cnt = count _string; _cntM = _cnt; _cntCs = count _chars; _toChange = []; _eIx = 0; _cut = 0; while {_cnt > 0} do { _cnt0 = count _string; _eIx = 0; _bIx = true; _ix = -2; _toC = ""; _toC2 = ""; _found = 0; _oFound = 0; { if ((_foreachIndex == 0) or {(_found > _oFound)}) then { _oFound = _found; _char = _x; if not (_char isEqualTo _div) then { _cntC = count _char; _ix = _string find _char; if not (_ix < 0) then { _found = _found + 1; if (_bIx) then { _bIx = false; _eIx = _ix }; _eIx = _eIx + _cntC; _toC2 = _toC2 + _char } } else { if not (_ix == -1) then { _found = _found + 1; _nIx = _cnt0; _stringN = _string select [_eIx]; if (_foreachIndex < ((count _chars) - 1)) then { _charN = (_chars select (_foreachIndex + 1)); _nIx = _stringN find _charN }; _inBetween = _string select [_eIx,_nIx]; _toC = _toC + _inBetween; _toC2 = _toC2 + _inBetween; _eIx = _eIx + (count _inBetween); } } } } foreach _chars; _string = _string select [_eIx]; _cnt = count _string; _cut = _cntM - _cnt; if (_cnt0 == _cnt) exitWith {}; if (_found == _cntCs) then { _toChange pushBack [_toC,_cut - (count _toC2)] }; }; _toChange }; RYD_HM_SubDivStr = { private ["_str","_div","_subs","_sub","_cntF","_lastWild","_char"]; _str = _this select 0; _div = _this select 1; _subs = []; _sub = ""; _cntF = count _str; _lastWild = false; for "_i" from 0 to (_cntF - 1) do { _char = _str select [_i,1]; if not (_char isEqualTo _div) then { _sub = _sub + _char; _lastWild = false; } else { if not (_sub isEqualTo "") then { _subs pushBack _sub; }; _subs pushBack _div; _sub = ""; _lastWild = true; } }; if not (_lastWild) then { _subs pushBack _sub }; _subs }; RYD_HM_Replace = { private ["_string","_rMap","_baseC","_replacement","_div","_newString","_bIx","_wc","_repIx","_repLng","_stringArr","_inject"]; _string = _this select 0; _rMap = _this select 1; _baseC = _this select 2; _replacement = _this select 3; _div = _this select 4; _newString = ""; _bIx = 0; { _wc = _x select 0; _repIx = _x select 1; _repLng = _baseC + (count _wc); _stringB = _string select [_bIx,_repIx - _bIx]; _bIx = _repIx + _repLng; _inject = ""; { if not (_x isEqualTo _div) then { _inject = _inject + _x; } else { _inject = _inject + _wc; } } foreach _replacement; _newString = _newString + _stringB + _inject } foreach _rMap; _newString = _newString + (_string select [_bIx]); _newString }; RYD_HecticMuse = { private ["_string","_find","_replace","_spc","_fLng","_toReplace","_map"]; _string = _this select 0; _find = _this select 1; _replace = _this select 2; _spc = _this select 3; _find = [_find,_spc] call RYD_HM_SubDivStr; _baseC = 0; { if not (_x isEqualTo _spc) then { _baseC = _baseC + (count _x) } } foreach _find; _replace = [_replace,_spc] call RYD_HM_SubDivStr; _toReplace = [_string,_find,_spc] call RYD_HM_FindCharIxs; _string = [_string,_toReplace,_baseC,_replace,_spc] call RYD_HM_Replace; copyToClipboard _string; _string }; 3. Purpose Although artifact undoubtfully was created by some lazy culture, since nowadays there are known to mankind better ways to easily achieve same result, Hectic Muse artifact usefulness is questionable. This exhibition has been prepared by courtesy of: Problematic Scripts Museum. Exhibits so far: DRUNKEN MARATHONER ANGRY SPARTAN HECTIC MUSE Script you can freely modify, copy, "cannibalize", to use in your projects. It is released under APL-SA license. I'll be grateful for notification about each such usage. Edited November 22, 2014 by Rydygier Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grumpy Old Man 3547 Posted November 22, 2014 My brain cells are melting trying to understand the purpose of this script. Love your other scripts, and pretty sure the same goes for this one, once figured out, heh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
badluckburt 78 Posted November 22, 2014 Interesting script. I suppose this is what you mentioned you would work on in the other thread? I'm going to test this out later today, if I find anything peculiar I'll report back :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1317 Posted November 22, 2014 (edited) Yes, that's what I mentioned. Thanks. :) My brain cells are melting trying to understand the purpose of this script. What can I say? Welcome to the Problematic Scripts Museum. :) Perfect place for scripts I consider anyhow interesting, maybe even inspring, thus worthy of showing, still of unclear use. But seriously, although finding them may prove to be problematic, some uses are possible... possibly. If you for example have a big script with many similar changes to make, tedious to do manually, that simple "find&replace all" cannot handle for you, this may help, just like in the last example. As mentioned, other, better ways for that are possible though. But apart from that, this script may be used also in-game, assuming anyone would need such kind of string manipulation in-game. Perhaps even someone could think about utilizing it to change and then recompiling scripts by scripts if any sense in that. Besides all that, for me it was good opportunity to test new string commands (appear pretty fast - HM was able to perform all changes in 5000 lines long sqf well below 0.2 sec.) and train kind of scripting, that although not big in resulting size and looking not so complex, always was difficult to me due to used kind of logic, that often somehow makes my poor mind lost in the looped maze. Edited November 22, 2014 by Rydygier Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted November 22, 2014 Thanks for the headsup about the release :cool: Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. Hectic Muse v1.0 ================================================ We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic. This means soon you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have. When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
badluckburt 78 Posted November 22, 2014 I only did a quick test but this is pretty awesome. I'm a bit too wasted atm to come up with good examples but with a little ingenuity, you could make sort of a dynamic conversation bot with this if it returns the captured part along with altered string. Just pop this in a mission init.sqf, toss in a player and stare at the creepy conversation :P call compile preprocessFile "HM_fnc.sqf";//preparing waitUntil {isPlayer Player}; _sleepTime = 3; _string = "I'm looking for a place to stay"; //any "string" not containing " nor wildcard symbols hintSilent _string; sleep _sleepTime; _find = "place?stay";//phrase to find _replace = "reason?replace you";//replacement phrase _wildcard = "?";//chosen wildcard symbol; _new = [_string,_find,_replace,_wildcard] call RYD_HecticMuse;//execution - res hintSilent _new; sleep _sleepTime; _string = "I'm telling you, I don't need replacement"; //any "string" not containing " nor wildcard symbols hintSilent _string; sleep _sleepTime; _find = "I'm#you";//phrase to find _replace = "You're#me? Seems to me like I'm#you";//replacement phrase _wildcard = "#";//chosen wildcard symbol; _new = [_string,_find,_replace,_wildcard] call RYD_HecticMuse;//execution - res _find = "I don't#"; _replace = "you do#"; _new = [_new,_find,_replace,_wildcard] call RYD_HecticMuse;//execution - res hintSilent _new; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1317 Posted November 22, 2014 :D Nice. Problematic or not, for some cool stuff may be used apparently. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites