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GigaS's Coop Missions

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Hi all -

So to pay back the community in some way, I've built SP missions in the past. Lately I've played with some awesome people in Comrades in Arms. If you haven't checked them out do so! They offer great COOP play which is what inspired me to make COOP missions for the rest.

Anyways these missions will include:


-Logistic support (Thanks L3F team)

-Fastrope support

-Great and popular AddOns (Both Maps and Units)

-Short but sweet gameplay (no more than an hour so mission)

-F3 Framework design (Thanks F3 team!)

-Caching system for improved FPS

Anyways I hope you all enjoy these and feel free to provide any feedback for future missions. Thanks

Mission List:

[Coop 20] Restore Peace [Dropbox] [Armaholic]

[Coop 4-8] Security [Steam] [Dropbox] [Armaholic]

[Coop 11] Operation Flashbang [Dropbox] [Armaholic]

Edited by JCae2798
New mission Op Flashbang

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[Coop 20] Restore Peace

Russian military has occupied the northern part of the country. They have been bullying the locals and police. We need to restore peace and take out their commander.

Required Addons:

Map Bornholm: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27056

RHS Escalation: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2715



[ON Steam]

Armaholic mirror:

- Restore Peace Co-20 (@)

Edited by JCae2798

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[COOP 4-8] Security

Local government needs our help with a security mission to protect a HVT in a compound. They have transport on the way but it can be about an hour or so before they arrive. There has been multiple attacks already on the compound so gear up, grab whatever equipment around the base you can make sure of, and head over to the compound.

Required Addons:

AiA TP (Zargabad) - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26682

CAF Aggressors - www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24441



Armaholic mirror:

- Security Co-04-08 (@)

Edited by JCae2798
Armaholic Link

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Thanks Jcae, have you tested these on a dedicated server? Are you using respawn (I hope not)?

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Hey Variable!, for this mission i thought about it, but enabled it with a 30 sec delay (since the base isnt far from AO). Reason i did so was the mission can run anywhere up to an hour. however i've been thinking of changing it, and so I have so it doesnt run so long. Also i just realized that i left a support unit in there from the SP version i wanted to remove. So those updates have been made.

If you want me to remove the respawn, i can do so.

Also my missions havent been tested unfortunately, but the scripts used have been used on missions in MP so i hope all goes well. Otherwise i hope for feedback.

Mission has been updated and re-uploaded to Dropbox/Steam. I'll get Armaholic updated as well.

Change log:

-Updated mission timer to end within ~30 min max.

-Removed an AI assets that was left from SP version

-Raised percentage of probability of presence to make mission harder for COOP version.

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Thanks, we'd appreciate a no-respawn version. I suggest using Psycho AIS for first aiding and FHQ task tracker because BIS task module isn't working on a dedicated server.

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Interesting. Ok let me work on that, thanks for the heads up.

I do know the framework i use has a similar wounding system (selectable in mission params), however it requires FAKs to revive and doesnt allow a downed player to turn over like in AIS. But i can change that around for the group as needed.

Details here: http://ferstaberinde.com/f3/en//index.php?title=Medical_Systems_Support

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Thanks, we'd appreciate a no-respawn version. I suggest using Psycho AIS for first aiding and FHQ task tracker because BIS task module isn't working on a dedicated server.

Here you go sir:


Change log for this version (original version not touched):

-Added A3 Wounding system as default

-Disabled Respawn

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Thanks a lot! Hosted on the CiA coop server. We will make sure to provide feedback once we played it. Might take a while, though.

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No worries, hopefully I can make it on that night :) (I play as John.C)

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[Coop 11] Operation Flashbang

Your part of an insurgent group fighting on Altis against corrupt Altis forces. We have recently taken a big loss on our local camps where most of our gear was stored. In order to continue the fight, and have a chance at winning, we need to steal some gear back. Altis main bases are off to an island south of here known as Stratis. Our goal is to travel there by boat since most forces have moved onto the Altis island. We hope to expect minimum forces if we strike hard and fast.

NOTES: A Pilot seat is available, however the mission has an AI pilot to steal the ammo box if a pilot is not available. Its a Civilian plan so no air support!

No Addons needed!


-This missions is designed around suppressors. During testing for some reason if using the ASDG JM mod, some units could end up losing the supressors. So I recommend that this mod be turned off?

Have Fun



Edited by JCae2798

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Hey Variable, sorry for delay. The mission was designed for 10 players, however if a pilot wants to play (mostly waiting) then that would be the 11th slot. Thanks!

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We played "Operation Flashbang" but ran into some problems:

- The marksman had the wrong ammo.

- When we called the extraction helo, the mission failed because supposedly the extraction helo was done, but our helicopter pilot was still up

- there was a permanent script error in the simplerevive/init.sqf (Undefined variable f_briefing_script or something similar)

- One guy reported a steep FPS drop when the chopper passed overhead.

The mission looked good though. Hope you can fix this :)

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