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Azza FHI

How to play sound files from an external source (.pbo)

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Hey ive searched high an low for this and have tried the following inside the mission's description.ext (they are separate examples, didn't try them both at the same time)

class CfgSounds {

class track1
       name = "track1";
       sound[] = {"soundtest\2.wss", db+1, 1}; 
titles[] = {};


class CfgSounds {

class track1
       name = "track1";
       sound[] = {"soundtest\1.ogg", db+1, 1}; 
titles[] = {};


have also tried with \ infront of soundtest. soundtest is the name of the pbo which is loaded separate to the default addons folder. there are no subfolders in it, just 1 wss and 1 ogg.

cannot get any sounds to work with playsound, is the path wrong or am I missing something?

overall goal is to have our dedicated server running some extra music pbos which can be played to the clients without the clients running the pbos or being included in the mission folder.

thanks for any help

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class CfgSounds {

class track1
       name = "track1";
       sound[] = {"\soundtest\2.wss", 1, 1}; 
   titles[] = {};


class CfgSounds {

class track1
       name = "track1";
       sound[] = {"\soundtest\1.ogg", 1, 1}; 
   titles[] = {};


I would have thought this would do the trick. Not sure the dB setting works for cfgsounds.

Also, playsound can sometimes seem a bit fickle. The way you've set your config, you'd have to play the sounds with playsound "track1" and playsound "track2". playsound track1 and playsound track2 won't work.

Edited by tpw

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this also works..

MISSION_ROOT = call { 
private "_arr"; 
_arr = toArray str missionConfigFile; 
_arr resize (count _arr - 15); 
toString _arr 

playSound3D [MISSION_ROOT + "yourSoundsFolder\yourSound.ogg", _SoundSource, _isInside, _SoundPos, _SoundVolume, _SoundPitch, _SoundDistance];	

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Say I have multiple sounds for the one event e.g.

Seagull1.wav , Seagull2.wav, Seagull3.wav

Do I need to have a class for each sound or can I put them in the one class and ArmA 3 will be able to randomly pick one?

A code example would be appreciated.


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