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avibird 1

Help to setup Radio trigger to count the # opfor units 1000 meters of player location

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I know how to setup a radio Trigger to identify Number of total units on the whole map however I would like to setup a radio trigger that will identified How many opfor units are within 1000 meters of the current player location. Can this be done and what is the codelines that I need to put into the radio trigger.

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hint str ({side _x == east && {player distance _x < 1000}} count allUnits);

Edited by DreadedEntity

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@DreadedEntity thank you for the help brother but you forget a ) at the end. Wow I am actually seeing the matrix. ie looking at the codelines! Now that is progress for me (:

For all the clueless people like me!

hint str ({side _x == east && {player distance _x < 1000}} count allUnits[color="#006400"])[/color];  

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