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ACRE Radio Not Working

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Having a bit of an odd issue. I have updated all my mods through Play with Six and I'm having an issue where Acre is working in general but in game I cannot pull up my radio nor can I transmit. When I step away from players in game the volume level changes as expected and eventually disappears, however my radio is completely non functional. I have the TS plugin installed, I have tried restarting the plugin, restarting TS and restarting my game but makes no difference. Please help this is very annoying.

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1.st WRONG THREAD! You are only alowed to discuss mod related issues in the thread belonging to the mod.


3.rd GIVE SOME INFO. TS3 version? game version? ACRE version?

4.th you most probably just dont have the radio in your inventory, or, you dont have corect keybinds.

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Closing - please use the ACRE thread as pointed out.

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