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Working Helicopter Wheel´s

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since the new DLC it is possible for the Stock Helos with wheels to move on the ground.

what do i have to add to apply this to a addon chopper?

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I was wondering the same thing. Hopefully someone will make a lovely wiki entry detailing all the new requirements

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Modding students will find detailed examples about how to implement the new features of the Helicopters DLC: Firing from Vehicles and the Advanced Flight Model in the samples.

Maybe look into your Arma 3 Tools directory. I assume there should be config examples. Will check in the evening if thats true.

Have fun.

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Hi Guys im working in the same tingh now to my Mi-171, im triying to implement the new rotor lib too

		class RotorLibHelicopterProperties: RotorLibHelicopterProperties
		RTDconfig = "Samples_F\Test_Heli_01\RTD_Test_Heli_01.xml";
		defaultCollective 				= 0.545;
		autoHoverCorrection[] 			= {4.8,-3.2,0};	// pitch, roll, no
		retreatBladeStallWarningSpeed 	= 83.333 ; 		// m/s

		maxTorque 			= 2700 ; 				// 90% of both engines torque in XML
		stressDamagePerSec	= 0.0033333332666667; 	// after 300 seconds the damage will be 1

		maxHorizontalStabilizerLeftStress	= 10000;
		maxHorizontalStabilizerRightStress	= 10000;
		maxVerticalStabilizerStress			= 10000;
		horizontalWingsAngleCollMin			= 0;
		horizontalWingsAngleCollMax			= 0;
		maxMainRotorStress 					= 130000;
		maxTailRotorStress 					= 10000;

But im Searching another changes in the Config Cpp and the rest of the files of th sample files in the arma3 tools folder... Good Hunt!

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Inside the RTD.XML is written the following in regards to ground contact (aka wheels or skids):


<GeneralConfiguration steerableGearSpeedCorrectionFactor="0.0" maxSteerableGearDeflection="80" gearExtensionTime="3"/>

<!--Main right-->

-<GroundContact type="FGGroundContact200">

<Features isSteerable="false" isRetractable="false" isBrakable="true"/>

<Aerodynamics equivalentFlatPlateArea="0.04"/>


<MountStation z="-1.062" y="1.859" x="1.30"/>

<SliderAxis z="1" y="0" x="0"/>

<SuspensionLength length="0.400"/>

<SpringParameters maxCompression="0.150" damperConstant="50000" springConstant="300000"/>


-<Wheel mass="10" radius="0.306">

<RollAxis z="0" y="0" x="1"/>

<Friction resistanceTorqueFullBrake="2000" resistanceTorqueNoBrake="10" slidingFriction="0.7"/>


<SteeringController keepCenter="false" inverseRotation="false"/>

<Damage thresholdLoad="20000000"/>


<!--Main left-->

-<GroundContact type="FGGroundContact200">

<Features isSteerable="false" isRetractable="false" isBrakable="true"/>

<Aerodynamics equivalentFlatPlateArea="0.04"/>


<MountStation z="-1.062" y="1.859" x="-1.30"/>

<SliderAxis z="1" y="0" x="0"/>

<SuspensionLength length="0.400"/>

<SpringParameters maxCompression="0.150" damperConstant="50000" springConstant="300000"/>


-<Wheel mass="10" radius="0.306">

<RollAxis z="0" y="0" x="1"/>

<Friction resistanceTorqueFullBrake="2000" resistanceTorqueNoBrake="10" slidingFriction="0.7"/>


<SteeringController keepCenter="false" inverseRotation="false"/>

<Damage thresholdLoad="20000000"/>



-<GroundContact type="FGGroundContact200">

<Features isSteerable="true" isRetractable="false" isBrakable="false"/>

<Aerodynamics equivalentFlatPlateArea="0.04"/>


<MountStation z="-1.035" y="-2.984" x="0"/>

<SliderAxis z="1" y="0" x="0"/>

<SuspensionLength length="0.300"/>

<SpringParameters maxCompression="0.100" damperConstant="50000" springConstant="250000"/>


-<Wheel mass="5" radius="0.206">

<RollAxis z="0" y="0" x="1"/>

<Friction resistanceTorqueFullBrake="10" resistanceTorqueNoBrake="10" slidingFriction="0.7"/>


<SteeringController keepCenter="false" inverseRotation="true"/>

<Damage thresholdLoad="20000000"/>


<!--nose tip-->

-<GroundContact type="FGGroundContact200">

<Features isSteerable="false" isRetractable="false" isBrakable="false"/>

<Aerodynamics equivalentFlatPlateArea="0.0"/>


<MountStation z="-0.908" y="5.03" x="0"/>

<SliderAxis z="1" y="0" x="0"/>

<SuspensionLength length="0"/>

<SpringParameters maxCompression="0" damperConstant="50000" springConstant="420000"/>


-<Wheel mass="0.1" radius="0.1">

<RollAxis z="0" y="0" x="1"/>

<Friction resistanceTorqueFullBrake="1000" resistanceTorqueNoBrake="1000" slidingFriction="0.5"/>


<Damage thresholdLoad="20000000"/>


<!--tail tip-->

-<GroundContact type="FGGroundContact200">

<Features isSteerable="false" isRetractable="false" isBrakable="false"/>

<Aerodynamics equivalentFlatPlateArea="0.0"/>


<MountStation z="-0.706" y="-8.216" x="0"/>

<SliderAxis z="1" y="0" x="0"/>

<SuspensionLength length="0"/>

<SpringParameters maxCompression="0" damperConstant="50000" springConstant="420000"/>


-<Wheel mass="0.1" radius="0.1">

<RollAxis z="0" y="0" x="1"/>

<Friction resistanceTorqueFullBrake="1000" resistanceTorqueNoBrake="1000" slidingFriction="0.5"/>


<Damage thresholdLoad="20000000"/>



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sry i´m a bit new to that stuff.

i looked for something more straight forward

something like but that into the vehiclecfg

that stuff from the RTD.xml does sound okay but were to put it?

i also took a look into the armscore a-109 beta cfg files and there is nothing in the files that looks like the stuff you posted.

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You have the Arma 3 Tools installed? Take a look at the ...\Steamapps\Common\Arma 3 Tools\Samples_F\Helixx

There you will find the structure you need with all the configs with included commentary. You will find a Confic.cpp, a RotorLib.HPP (or similar) and the RTD.xml. Basicly somewhere in the confic.cpp it calls the contend of the rotorlib.hpp, which then includes the RTD.XML.

A bit complicated, but it keeps the config.cpp a lot cleaner.

But this sample model should give you all the things you need to know (at least with the flightmodel of the size/mass of an Orca...

Have fun and try to collect as much data as you can. Maybe we can fill out a page on the communitywiki about it :)

Have a good one.

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Okay, so I've basically replicated what has been done in the samples, yet the flight model is not activating for the helicopter I'm working on. Apart from the "include rtd.hpp", Rotorlibconfig stuff in rtd.hpp and the .xml to go with it, am I missing something obvious?

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