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Dedicated server doesn't seem to work with todays patch

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So we have a dedicated server install, have been running it since March. However with todays helicopter+ vehicle shooting patch we can't connect to the server anymore. We type the password and then it gets stuck on the next screen, never make any further progress and the server never acknowledges the connection in its Window.

Seems to be 100% unusable right now.

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So we have a dedicated server install, have been running it since March. However with todays helicopter+ vehicle shooting patch we can't connect to the server anymore. We type the password and then it gets stuck on the next screen, never make any further progress and the server never acknowledges the connection in its Window.

Seems to be 100% unusable right now.

i confirm this behaviour, 100%. i've tried many of my custom-made multiplayer missions for our gaming group 2SCR and i can connect to none of them on our dedicated server.

what the hell!?!?!?

has this bug/problem been officially acknowledged? can others confirm???


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make sure the DS has been updated to latest patch too. I have to go into the DS control panel and update the steam. After that if you still have issues it could be related to any mods you have on the server, check those, update as needed.

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i updated both the steamcmd and the dedicated server (this is a Linux server btw). everything is up to date.

i verified the startup config, but bear in mind this is a dedicated public server so its runs no mods. the custom made map we run on it has no requirements at all. pubbers with no mods connect all the time. and yet none of our maps will load :(

here's the startup:

/home/arma3/arma3/public/arma3-public -bepath=/home/arma3/arma3/public/battleye -cfg=/home/arma3/arma3/public/serverconfig/basic.cfg -config=/home/arma3/arma3/public/serverconfig/server.cfg -name=public -mod=/home/arma3/arma3/;addons;heli;@cba_a3;@task_force_radio; -port=2302 -exThreads=7

the only thing i added post 1.3.4 update in the startup is the "heli" folder. i've tried running the server both with and without it. same thing. after connecting, just a black screen. i've even tried starting the server without CBA and TFAR. same thing. :( there's nothing really useful in the log:


22:19:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value

22:19:06 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_Kart_01_F.HeadAimDown'.

22:19:06 Warning Message: '/' is not a value

22:19:06 String STR_A3_DLC_BUNDLE_EXPANSIONS_NAME not found

22:19:06 String STR_A3_DLC_BUNDLE_DESCRIPTION_TEXT not found

22:19:06 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.196)

22:19:06 Host identity created.

[s_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.

Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 107410

22:19:06 Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303

2014/11/06, 22:19:06 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303

---------- Post added at 06:39 ---------- Previous post was at 06:22 ----------


i fixed the problem!

the problem was that the "heli" folder was not in the folder where i run the public server from! it was auto-copied in the folder above (the master arma3 folder) by the steamcmd, so all i had to do was make a symlink and the server came right up.


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