bn880 5 Posted January 1, 2002 Here is a mission script that flies passengers between two different cities on Everon about every 10 minutes or so. This might make it more interesting for MP missions where the entire map of Everon is used for an extended period of time. (deathmatch etc.) Warning, stopping the pilots or the passengers will result in the ferry system to get out of sync, but that's expected if you hijak an aircraft or terrorize civilians! Wish there were Civilian choppers (rescue). Just make a new Everon mission and put this in side. You might need some addons, or just replace the vehicles. version=11.000000; class Mission { addOns[]= { "CH47me", "CDoc", "Ch47D", "OH58" }; randomSeed=2938371.000000; class Intel { }; class Groups { items=12.000000; class Item0 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1.000000; class Item0 { position[]={4776.717285,159.029999,7072.501953}; azimut=75.000000; special="FLY"; id=0.000000; side="CIV"; vehicle="Civilian"; leader=1.000000; lock="UNLOCKED"; skill=1.000000; text="m1"; markers[]={}; }; }; }; class Item1 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1.000000; class Item0 { position[]={1213.663452,65.474998,5988.439453}; azimut=75.000000; special="NONE"; id=2.000000; side="CIV"; vehicle="Civilian3"; leader=1.000000; lock="UNLOCKED"; rank="COLONEL"; skill=1.000000; text="pilot1"; markers[]={}; init="this assignasdriver chopper1; [this] ordergetin true;"; }; }; class Waypoints { items=1.000000; class Item0 { position[]={4773.472168,159.029999,6973.319824}; speed="NORMAL"; synchronizations[]={}; class Effects { }; showWP="NEVER"; }; }; }; class Item2 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1.000000; class Item0 { position[]={4765.226074,159.029999,7073.353516}; azimut=75.000000; special="FLY"; id=5.000000; side="CIV"; vehicle="Civilian"; leader=1.000000; lock="UNLOCKED"; skill=1.000000; text="m1_1"; markers[]={}; }; }; }; class Item3 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1.000000; class Item0 { position[]={4767.354492,159.029999,7079.737305}; azimut=75.000000; special="FLY"; id=6.000000; side="CIV"; vehicle="Civilian3"; leader=1.000000; lock="UNLOCKED"; skill=1.000000; text="m1_2"; markers[]={}; }; }; }; class Item4 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1.000000; class Item0 { position[]={4770.759277,159.029999,7059.734375}; azimut=75.000000; special="FLY"; id=7.000000; side="CIV"; vehicle="CDoc"; leader=1.000000; lock="UNLOCKED"; skill=1.000000; text="m1_3"; markers[]={}; }; }; }; class Item5 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1.000000; class Item0 { position[]={4745.223145,159.029999,7067.395508}; azimut=75.000000; special="FLY"; id=8.000000; side="CIV"; vehicle="Civilian2"; leader=1.000000; lock="UNLOCKED"; skill=1.000000; text="m1_4"; markers[]={}; }; }; }; class Item6 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1.000000; class Item0 { position[]={4778.419922,159.029999,7066.543945}; azimut=75.000000; special="FLY"; id=9.000000; side="CIV"; vehicle="Civilian"; leader=1.000000; lock="UNLOCKED"; skill=1.000000; text="m1_5"; markers[]={}; }; }; }; class Item7 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1.000000; class Item0 { position[]={4755.012207,159.029999,7069.097656}; azimut=75.000000; special="FLY"; id=10.000000; side="CIV"; vehicle="Civilian2"; leader=1.000000; lock="UNLOCKED"; skill=1.000000; text="m1_6"; markers[]={}; }; }; }; class Item8 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1.000000; class Item0 { position[]={4752.883789,159.029999,7085.270508}; azimut=75.000000; special="FLY"; id=11.000000; side="CIV"; vehicle="CDoc"; leader=1.000000; lock="UNLOCKED"; skill=1.000000; text="m1_7"; markers[]={}; }; }; }; class Item9 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1.000000; class Item0 { position[]={5010.967285,16.334999,3971.209961}; azimut=75.000000; special="NONE"; id=12.000000; side="CIV"; vehicle="Civilian"; leader=1.000000; lock="UNLOCKED"; rank="COLONEL"; skill=1.000000; text="pilot2"; markers[]={}; }; }; }; class Item10 { side="WEST"; class Vehicles { items=1.000000; class Item0 { position[]={11093.869141,27.770483,11664.094727}; azimut=75.000000; special="NONE"; id=13.000000; side="WEST"; vehicle="SoldierWB"; player="PLAYER COMMANDER"; leader=1.000000; lock="UNLOCKED"; skill=1.000000; markers[]={}; }; }; }; class Item11 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1.000000; class Item0 { position[]={5033.531738,16.334999,3980.583984}; azimut=75.000000; special="FLY"; id=15.000000; side="CIV"; vehicle="CDoc"; leader=1.000000; lock="UNLOCKED"; skill=1.000000; text="m2"; markers[]={}; }; }; }; }; class Vehicles { items=5.000000; class Item0 { position[]={1228.306030,65.474998,5990.713379}; azimut=75.000000; special="NONE"; id=1.000000; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="Ch47D"; leader=1.000000; lock="UNLOCKED"; skill=1.000000; text="chopper1"; markers[]={}; init="this flyinheight 100;"; }; class Item1 { position[]={5036.659668,16.334999,3954.341797}; azimut=75.000000; special="NONE"; id=3.000000; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="UH60MG"; leader=1.000000; lock="UNLOCKED"; skill=1.000000; text="chopper2"; markers[]={}; init="this flyinheight 140;"; }; class Item2 { position[]={11001.584961,24.633389,11674.199219}; azimut=75.000000; special="NONE"; id=4.000000; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="Truck5tOpen"; leader=1.000000; lock="UNLOCKED"; skill=1.000000; text="truck2"; markers[]={}; }; class Item3 { position[]={4773.497070,159.029999,6994.312988}; azimut=75.000000; special="NONE"; id=14.000000; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="Truck5tOpen"; leader=1.000000; lock="UNLOCKED"; skill=1.000000; text="truck1"; markers[]={}; }; class Item4 { position[]={11104.396484,27.999235,11648.533203}; azimut=75.000000; special="NONE"; id=16.000000; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="OH58"; leader=1.000000; lock="UNLOCKED"; skill=1.000000; markers[]={}; }; }; class Markers { items=2.000000; class Item0 { position[]={10971.953125,24.525000,11697.973633}; name="move2"; type="Empty"; }; class Item1 { position[]={4712.184570,155.632477,6953.806641}; name="move1"; type="Empty"; }; }; class Sensors { items=11.000000; class Item0 { position[]={4796.636230,159.029999,7000.945313}; a=150.000000; b=150.000000; activationBy="VEHICLE"; repeating=1.000000; age="UNKNOWN"; idVehicle=1.000000; text="ch1 here, unload all , record arrival"; expActiv="unassignvehicle chopper1; pilot2 leaveVehicle chopper1; ch1arrival2 = DayTime;"; class Effects { }; synchronizations[]={}; }; class Item1 { position[]={11028.659180,25.262974,11765.000977}; a=200.000000; b=150.000000; angle=45.000000; activationBy="VEHICLE"; repeating=1.000000; age="UNKNOWN"; idVehicle=1.000000; text="ch1 here unload all, record arrival"; expActiv=" unassignvehicle chopper1; pilot1 leaveVehicle chopper1; ch1arrival = DayTime;"; class Effects { }; synchronizations[]={}; }; class Item2 { position[]={4800.234863,159.029999,6998.304688}; a=150.000000; b=150.000000; activationBy="VEHICLE"; repeating=1.000000; age="UNKNOWN"; idVehicle=3.000000; text="ch2here call ch1 over"; expActiv="unAssignVehicle chopper2; pilot1 leaveVehicle chopper2; chopper1 commandMove getMarkerPos ""move1"";"; class Effects { }; synchronizations[]={}; }; class Item3 { position[]={11018.329102,25.274509,11764.600586}; a=200.000000; b=150.000000; angle=45.000000; activationBy="VEHICLE"; repeating=1.000000; age="UNKNOWN"; idVehicle=3.000000; text="ch2 here call ch1 over"; expActiv=" unAssignVehicle chopper2;pilot2 leaveVehicle chopper2; chopper1 commandMove getMarkerPos ""move2"";"; class Effects { }; synchronizations[]={}; }; class Item4 { position[]={10975.583984,25.308662,11876.353516}; a=1.000000; b=1.000000; repeating=1.000000; age="UNKNOWN"; text="pilot/passenger switch wait"; expCond="(DayTime > (ch1arrival+0.023))"; expActiv="pilot1 assignasdriver chopper2; [pilot1] ordergetin true; m1 assignascargo chopper2; m1_1 assignascargo chopper2;m1_2 assignascargo chopper2;m1_3 assignascargo chopper2;m1_4 assignascargo chopper2;m1_5 assignascargo chopper2;m1_6 assignascargo chopper2;m1_7 assignascargo chopper2;[m1, m1_1, m1_2, m1_3, m1_4, m1_5,m1_6, m1_7] ordergetin true; m2 assignascargo chopper1;[m2] ordergetin true; pilot2 assignasdriver chopper1; [pilot2] ordergetin true;"; class Effects { }; synchronizations[]={}; }; class Item5 { position[]={11018.002930,22.538881,11876.353516}; a=1.000000; b=1.000000; repeating=1.000000; age="UNKNOWN"; text="send wait"; expCond="(DayTime > (ch1arrival+0.045))"; expActiv="chopper2 commandMove getMarkerPos ""move1"";"; class Effects { }; synchronizations[]={}; }; class Item6 { position[]={11003.482422,22.807508,11942.338867}; a=2.000000; b=2.000000; activationType="NOT PRESENT"; age="UNKNOWN"; text="initChoppers"; expCond="true"; expActiv="ch1arrival = DayTime +2; ch1arrival2 = DayTime +2;"; class Effects { }; synchronizations[]={}; }; class Item7 { position[]={4708.962402,154.497864,7171.000488}; a=1.000000; b=1.000000; repeating=1.000000; age="UNKNOWN"; text="pilot/passenger switch wait"; expCond="(DayTime > (ch1arrival2+0.023))"; expActiv="pilot2 assignasdriver chopper2; [pilot2] ordergetin true; m1 assignascargo chopper1;m1_1 assignascargo chopper1;m1_2 assignascargo chopper1;m1_3 assignascargo chopper1;m1_4 assignascargo chopper1;m1_5 assignascargo chopper1;m1_6 assignascargo chopper1;m1_7 assignascargo chopper1; [m1, m1_1, m1_2, m1_3, m1_4, m1_5,m1_6, m1_7] ordergetin true; m2 assignascargo chopper2; [m2] ordergetin true; pilot1 assignasdriver chopper1; [pilot1] ordergetin true;"; class Effects { }; synchronizations[]={}; }; class Item8 { position[]={4751.381348,157.769592,7171.000488}; a=1.000000; b=1.000000; repeating=1.000000; age="UNKNOWN"; text="send wait"; expCond="(DayTime > (ch1arrival2+0.045))"; expActiv=" chopper2 commandMove getMarkerPos ""move2"";"; class Effects { }; synchronizations[]={}; }; class Item9 { position[]={11071.209961,18.463545,11879.311523}; a=1.000000; b=1.000000; repeating=1.000000; age="UNKNOWN"; text="timeout"; expCond="(DayTime > (ch1arrival+0.5))"; expActiv="ch1arrival2=DayTime ; chopper1 commandMove getMarkerPos ""move2""; chopper2 commandMove getMarkerPos ""move2"";"; class Effects { }; synchronizations[]={}; }; class Item10 { position[]={4783.078613,157.346848,7171.059082}; a=1.000000; b=1.000000; repeating=1.000000; age="UNKNOWN"; text="timeout"; expCond="(DayTime > (ch1arrival2+0.5))"; expActiv="ch1arrival1=DayTime ;chopper1 commandMove getMarkerPos ""move1""; chopper2 commandMove getMarkerPos ""move1"";"; class Effects { }; synchronizations[]={}; }; }; }; class Intro { addOns[]={}; randomSeed=7643651.000000; class Intel { }; }; class OutroWin { addOns[]={}; randomSeed=4791811.000000; class Intel { }; }; class OutroLoose { addOns[]={}; randomSeed=9397763.000000; class Intel { }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 1 Posted January 1, 2002 jeeze u didn't have to give the whole sqm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MP 0 Posted January 1, 2002 That's not a script file you NOB JOCKEY (kidding) that's a .sqm file. If you try to run that as a script you will get error msg's galore... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bn880 5 Posted January 1, 2002 MP>> ofcourse it's an sqm file I called it a MISSION script. Which it is. anyway read what I said again Rob>> I didn't have to post anything, anyway this is best for anyone who wants to try it... not everyone has infinite excess time on their hands to figure out every detail when making a mission. I don't like posting thousands of lines, but there doesn't seem to be a file server here. Adios . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
uddercream 1 Posted January 2, 2002 hey man looks kool , could you tell me how to make it work in the editor in kinda new at this , what do i call the script and what things i need . thx Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 1 Posted January 2, 2002 Why does everyone think this is a script!!!! uddercream its an sqm file. the file that stores all your data when making a mission... copy it and put it into a text document and rename it mission.sqm you will be promted and say yes.. put this into a new folder in your missions directory and call the folder helicrossing.eden then run ofp and open up everon and load it. by the time i have finished writing this you could have figured it out.. sorry if it sounded like i had a go at you. i just dont like it when people can't be bothered to read the posts properly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jamesia 0 Posted January 2, 2002 so thats what an .sqs file would look like if you turned it into a .txt file? So........ all we have to do, to play that is copy it into a .txt file and turn it into an .sqs file. YAY! is it any good though? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigQEd 0 Posted January 2, 2002 Actually... to get technical... sqm's are scripts... just in our localized terminolgy they are not considering scripts. sqs's are scripts. sqm's are mission files. Ok anyway... NEXT! :o Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 1 Posted January 2, 2002 JAMESIA!!! ITS NOT A d*amn SQS FILE>>>> DONT YOU PEOPLE READ THE BLOODY POSTS!!?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boboNuts 0 Posted January 2, 2002 dude claim down, toke a joint or something!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 1 Posted January 3, 2002 i dont think you know how annoying it is when you take the time to make posts and people can't be bothered to read them so they talk crap and GGGRRRR. it really pisses me off Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jamesia 0 Posted January 3, 2002 ...... I thought it wasen't a script. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites