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Capture The Flag 2.0 - Quake, By Murcielago

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Please vote me in the Arma 3 Make Arma Not War contest:

Capture The Flag 2.0 is a mission engine, for Arma 3, created from scratch to bring the CTF missions to the next level.

Capture The Flag 2.0 system is based on backpakc-flag mechanics. I created the CTF 2.0 mission engine not only to be solid, light and network friendly, this new system also allows to introduce new features:

. Be able to pick, for each side, one of 33 nationalities (Flags, backpacks and plates)
. Backpack drop to be able to pass the backpack to a colleague.
. Quality details like for instance, in a CTF 2.0 mission you will not see players with a flag floating on their backs... instead, you will see players carrying backpacks with vivid colours.
. Team weapons. All players will have same standard equipment but two boxes will give to each team: 1x assault rifle+GL, 1x machine gun, 1x rifle, 1x sniper rifle, smoke, weapon sights.
. Automatic markers and tag systems to allow you to play with friends like you never did before! These systems are independent and can be disabled by mission parameters.
. Protection on respawn and friendly fire system with voting. Now you can forgive a team mate for killing you... or not. The system will punish by default the team killer but you can stop this if you want. If the team killer reaches 4 team kills the team killer game will be locked. If the team killer behaves well his team kills counts will be reduced 1unit every 8min.
. TrackingCAM is a spectator mode that allows you to track players. What makes special TrackingCAM is the TV mode. This mode is automatic and it will show a player all the time without the need to touch your computer. Is like watching the TV!
. Dedicated CTF table + statistics.
. 3D Weapon menu that will allow you to custom your weapon while you can see your avatar.
. Automatic flexible limits.
. Detailed briefing.
. Long and short intro. This feature is required as CTF 2.0 can be used for serious gameplay. For this reason people who join when the mission already started will watch a short intro to avoid them to see the other players.
. Intelligent complex scenario design.
. Different environment conditions: light, rain and fog.

Template... This is the icing of the cake! This CTF game engine is a template. With a few changes you can introduce all the Capture The Flag 2.0 features to your mission.

Capture The Flag 2.0 is a multilingual (English, French, German and Spanish) mission engine.

All of this created without triggers, using only 2 public variables and having a minimal impact on game performance.

1. Click on the link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=330911872
2. Log in.
3. Click on the "+Subscribe" button.
4. Goto to multiplayer, New.
5. Pick CTF2 - Quake from the Stratis map list.

INSTALLATION (For a dedicated server. PBO file):
1. Place the file in this folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions
2. Goto to multiplayer, New.
3. Pick CTF2 - Quake from the Stratis map list.

I started working on this project before the Arma 3 contest was created... It has been a huge challenge to create a Capture The Flag mission system like this. Like I said in the video "The code used to create CTF 2.0 only has in common with previous CTF Arma modes that you can see flags on them. Before I created it, and then, I understood it ;)" Even creating the video has been a big job as after all the time invested in this project it deserves a video at the same level than the mission system.

I normally I do not explain every single thing about my creations (Not because I do not want to do it! I do not talk about them because I have more of them in my mind!) but I think this time I will spend some time talking about the systems and details that Capture The Flag 2.0 - Quake mission system has. I'm warning you... The original sound track for this mission was the Game of Thrones melody... Soon you will understand why ;)

Thanks for your time

Created By Murcielago (mgllgm@hotmail.com)


. New Tag system completed.
. Default weapons are now assault rifles only.
. Silencers are disabled by default.

. First version Edited by Murcielago_ESP
update links

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I pleased to share with you the new version of my Tag System. Tag System is a feature that allow to see your colleagues names... until today! Now it will also allow to let you know who is carrying the flag or where the dropped flag is!

Tag System was created with the idea in mind of helping the player to make easy to fight in group but without bothering the player. How I achieved it? By default Tag System appears like small semi-transparent objects that when you are playing you will forget they are there. Once you want to see what is happening around you can use the "scan action" (The icon in the middle in the picture above) at this time icons will be solid and you will see the names of your colleagues, distances, where the backpack is or who has the backpack. After 15 seconds the Tag System will return to its idle state, small size and semitransparent ;)

Like always, this and other features can be disabled using mission parameters to make a more hardcore experience.

Capture The Flag 2.0 should be played with ingame VON (Voice Over The Network) for the best gamming experience or TeamSpeak.

New update:


. New Tag system completed.

. Default weapons are now assault rifles only.

. Silencers are disabled by default.

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Murcielago proudly presents the new version of the Capture The Flag mission engine with a pack of 16 missions. This new version is an hybrid between the CTF mission pack I created for the 88th Infantry Tournament (2014) and the original CTF 2.0 mission engine.

Make Arma Not War: http://makearmanotwar.com/entry/ZPHKLjsfVq#.VRGHz_msV0y
Armaholic(Download mission pack): http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28442
Bis Forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?190196-Capture-The-Flag-2-1-Mission-Pack&p=2905851#post2905851
Dropbox (Download video FULL QUALITY): W.I.P.

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