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Help! Can't Upload SP Campaign for MANW - File too big?

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Hiya - over the last few days I've had what I thought was a problem with the Arma 3 Publisher. But having tried to upload a test campaign PBO and having it work successfully, it seems that it is my file size which is the problem! At 416 MB, it's quite large. Every time I try to upload, I get a message saying 'Item Publishing Failed'.

Any suggestions / ideas? Thanks all! :)

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Steam workshop is still in the 2000s and considers ~400MB a big file. The max file size allowed is 150MB IRC.

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Hi PuFu - thanks for your response. Yes, I've just received an email from BIS support - apparently Steam Workshop's limit is 200MB.

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last time i've checked it was 150 ;) Progress mate, progress!

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lol :) Perhaps if Steam can up it another 300MB my problem will be sorted! :D

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Hi guys, we discussed the situation, and we're going to allow for certain exceptions in the SP category.

If you cannot upload your work to the Steam Workshop (e.g. due to the 200MB file size limitation), you'll be able to request access to the Make Arma Not War Dropbox as an alternative submission method. We previously didn't want this, because we want to keep it as easy as possible for people to install and vote for entries. However, we also don't want to limit the contestants in the SP category, therefore this option will now be made available. If the situation applies to you, please stand by for a more official announcement tomorrow with instructions on how to submit/request access (we need to make some changes to the contest rules and the website, hence the delay).

P.S. The 200MB file size limitation for a Steam Workshop submission will most likely be increased in the future (work-in-progress - unfortunately this will not be ready before the MANW submission deadline of October 28th).

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Korneel - you would not believe the great sigh of relief at hearing that! :) Just so pleased I can still submit my entry! Sad it can't go up on Steam Workshop as one PBO, but I'll be sure to add all the missions individually. Thanks so much for the swift response!

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