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A Few Questions

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1) How to cancel a script?

Ex: I want to arm the bomb with an addaction, then defuse comes up, but I want defuse to cancel the other action.

Didnt want to write out the script but heres kinda the super basics of what im thinking

arm = box addaction ["Arm Bomb", "arm.sqf"];

then in arm.sqf:

systemchat "Bomb is armed";

box removeAction arm;

box addAction ["Defuse", "defuse.sqf"];

sleep 40;

box setDamage 1;

in defuse.sqf I want it to CANCEL the arm.sqf

and of course add action again and so on.

2) How to do 3d markers?

Edit: I think I found a way, I'll test it. If you have a better solution than a script feel free to tell me.


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In whatever box/bomb you are using, put this in its init field:

this addAction ["Arm Bomb", "arm.sqf", [true, false], 5, false, true, "_this distance _target < 3"];


_box = (_this select 0);
_id = (_this select 2);
_arming = (_this select 3) select 0;
_defuse = (_this select 3) select 1;

if (!_arming && _defuse) then { 

_box removeAction _id; 
_arming = false;
_defuseID = _box addAction ["Arm Bomb", "arm.sqf", [true, false], 5, false, true, "_this distance _target < 3"];


while (_arming) do {

systemChat "Bomb is armed.";
_box removeAction _id;
_defuseID = _box addAction ["Defuse Bomb", "arm.sqf", [false, true], 5, false, true, "_this distance _target < 3"];

_defuseTime = [] spawn { sleep 40; }; //40 seconds until bomb "explodes"

waitUntil {scriptDone _defuseTime || _defuse}; //wait until 40 seconds is up or _defuse has been set to true

if (!_arming && _defuse) exitWith {  
systemChat "Bomb Defused";
_box removeAction _defuseID;
_box addAction ["Arm Bomb", "arm.sqf", [true, false], 5, false, true, "_this distance _target < 3"]; 

if (scriptDone _defuseTime) exitWith { _box setDamage 1; }; //explosion?

sleep 3;


To be honest I feel as if I'm missing something, but I'm too tired to think about it, but hopefully someone will come and find what I'm missing :p. I may also have some extra un-needed or improper checks, but as I said...

Edited by JShock

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Also, how do you move a marker (spawn point) I tried attachTo after a trigger but that doesnt work.

---------- Post added at 19:46 ---------- Previous post was at 19:45 ----------

Thx for the answer, I'll check it out later :)

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Also, how do you move a marker (spawn point) I tried attachTo after a trigger but that doesnt work.

You mean like the "respawn_west" marker?

You would just put this in your trigger's onAct field:

"respawn_west" setMarkerPos (getPos newPos);//obviously define your new position

And for your 3D markers question:


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Works great, thanks!

---------- Post added at 22:49 ---------- Previous post was at 21:54 ----------

One more question - I'm using the module "Respawn Tickets" what code do I use so that when the tickets reach 0 then the game ends?

opfor wins

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while (true) do {

_tickCount = [WEST, 0, false] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets;

if (_tickCount <=0) exitWith {["END1", false, 2] call BIS_fnc_EndMission};//<<Change the false to true for a Successful Mission ending, false means it will display the Failed Mission ending.

sleep 5;


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To "cancel" a script:

scriptHandle = [] execVM "myScript.sqf";
hint "I didn't mean to run that script after all";
terminte scriptHandle;


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To "cancel" a script:

scriptHandle = [] execVM "myScript.sqf";
hint "I didn't mean to run that script after all";
terminte scriptHandle;


You would have thought I would have remember that, considering we went over that last night....

---------- Post added at 00:40 ---------- Previous post was at 00:03 ----------

EDIT: Replace the ( ) on the "while" in the while loop to { }, my mistake, made the same mistake in another thread, damn Java class......

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