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Helicopter Issues

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So i have been trying to modify Alpion's US chinook and ive come across a rather annoying issue. Ive tried to change the parent class from Helicopter to Helicopter_Base_H. When i do this for some reason the Rotors blurred shows all the time so it looks like this:


I also cannot get the Miniguns to either rotate or to have a proper muzzle flash. The smoke and the ejected shells also some out the top of the Airframe when all the memory points are in their proper place.

Model CFG: http://pastebin.com/ZBvuE9n3

Config: http://pastebin.com/uJVP9G7j

Thanks in advance for any help, its greatly appreciated.

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Eventually going to try reduce the size of the config, the more i can inherit from a nice parent class then the less i have to define my self.

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The parent class helicopter provides everything you need. But to each their own. You need to define all parts for animations, you'll have to look at a3 bis base_h class and see if anything is named differently. Your not getting proper animations probably because the parent names are named or defined differently

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Revert back to Helicopter, I remember why i did that: there was an issue with the copilot but ive just fixed that. So my only issue now remains the animation of the miniguns

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Easiest thing to do:

Open the uh60m a2 sample, and see which parts are named on the guns, then look at the defined bones in the model.cfg, cross check yours match.

You can name the animated bones whatever you want, but they need to match both on your model and model.cfg

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Got them spinning now some more questions. What memory point/ selection is used for Muzzle flashes?. Ive tried to 2 Zalesh's and neither worked, the model also has 2 Muzzle Flash Proxies. Also what point defines where the white smoke comes out when firing the gun and where the shells are ejected. At the moment they are coming out the top of the airframe.

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My current issue is the compass faces the wrong way. one of them points the right way , whilst the other two point the opposite ( N when S, S when N)

class IndicatorCompass: Rotation
			type = "rotation";
			angle1="-rad 360";
		class IndicatorCompasss: IndicatorCompass
		class IndicatorCompass3: IndicatorCompass
			angle1="-rad 360";

The second one is the one that works

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