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animation physic doesn't work :(

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Hi everybody and thank you by advance to taking time for my problem ;)

I got a problem with an animation on my creature for my project .

The creature do a jump on a character but the physic doesn't work , the creature jumps on the player but the player does not fall to the ground, the creature through the player :(

i've already tried to setup a collision shape but that doesn't solve the problem .

the collisionshape work fine when the creature run or walk .

Maybe i missed up something ?

Thanks a lot for your time .

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I have some bad news for You as characters in Arma 3 aren't PhysX entities on their own and are affected by PhysX only in certain moments (being hit or killed, as far as I remember, maybe some other case) :icon_evil:

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You could:

  1. spawn an invisible physics object at [0,0,0] (for example)
  2. disable collision with the dino and object
  3. then setPos it over the character and setVelocity [0,0,-5] or similar

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thank you very much for your reply ;

i think the best way is like you say Das Attorney spawn invisible object ;)

Thanks guys i will try that way .

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