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Sample Singleplayer Campagin

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Hello team. With the submission period reaching its end you announced a sample singleplayer campaign so we know how to set it up and hand it in for the MakeArmANotWar contest.

Did I miss it in the latest game update or is it still to be released?

Someone also mentioned it would be accessible through the ArmA3 - Tools.

Did anyone find it yet?


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Thank you very much. I think I can recall having seen something quite similar before somewhere(maybe the wiki?). However which upload method would I use for my singleplayer campagin then? I didn't upload anything yet but I know that I'm only able to upload a single misison directly from within ArmA3 Editor.

The BI team mentioned something about an "upload as an Addon" in Steam Workshop directly, when they announced the sample mission...

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The "Publisher" from Arma 3 Tools on steam is what you're looking for. In your steam client head for Library > Tools > Arma 3 Tools, install it and then run it with Right Click > Play Game... (yes, it says game even though it's not). DO NOT start the Publisher directly via Right Click > Launch Publisher, it did funny things when I last tried it this way. If you do it like I wrote a small GUI should pop up where you select the Publisher and then fill in the blanks to upload your project. It only allows one PBO, no loose folders or additional material. (Though you can upload screenshots later through steam.)

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Ok thanks for the info. And I suppose the way to get my campaign into a .pbo is right how Zipper5 posted it here.

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