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Dunaden Shadow-Thane

Editing new pistols / sidearms?

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Which program would I need to use in order to alter or generate new weapons?

There are a few rifles I would like to duplicate using actual ballistics info for the rounds. Specifically, my .300 Win Mag rifle, my 30-.06 Browning, and my Mini-14. Also like to make a Mini-30 with collapsible stock. I'm not going to go nuts with graphics, I can live with close approximations from other guns I have downloaded. But I would like to have some fun.

Also thinking about a few pistols.... .454 Casul THE most powerful handgun in the world, .45 Glock, .380, etc.

Anyone know how I might go about making a silenced 9mm with laser site? Now THAT would be fun.... perfect for those missions where you bring a heavy automatic for laying it down but need something with finesse for infiltration or sneak shots. biggrin.gif

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