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Best OS for Arma server

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I have been enjoying Arma 3 for a while now and due to the limitations of my PC decided to build a server so that I can host on as the Ai eats up CPU resources. Currently using 40 to 50 Ai but wish to go to around 100 or more.

My server is made up of desktop parts i7 2600k, 8gb of Corsair RAM, Samsung 840 Pro and a Asus P8H61 MB

What do most people use for OS on their servers is my question I have looked and its either Windows server 2008 R2 or Linux from what I have read Linux has quite a few options and can be hard to set up any advice would be most appreciated.

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My Advice: Use Caching Mods.

I doesn´t sound like a good idea to build a new server for this number of AIs ... its ridiculous.

Even the choice of the CPU isn´t good. Armas Dedicated Server does still use only 2 Cores, the more Ghz the two have the better.

Exept with using a Headless Client. But you need a second steam account with Arma for it.

Really, its better to put some Caching Mods in your Game.

ALiVE, ZBE_Caching or MCC Caching System. Easiest way is ZBE_Caching, everbody can adjust his caching distance in his userconfig.

The Choice of AI Mods is important, too. If the AI is not longer in cache this is the next step. ASR AI is more performance friendly as AiCom but should used with MCC´s GAIA or HETMAN Leadership.

After this steps done and still not enough fps ( around 25 Server FPS is fine ) then think about making a server. A laptop or notebook in range? Install the dedicated server on it and configure it with TADST. Not working? Build ya own Server.

No expierence with Linux? Use Windows Server 2008.

Need more Power? Learn Linux, use Linux. Good luck with it. Some dude to help ya is very important ( not me :P )

Between any of this steps you can choose to make a headless client.

But remember: The more AI the more Bandwidth is using!

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Just to add the upcoming headless client will not require a separate Arma 3 license to run

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Just to add the upcoming headless client will not require a separate Arma 3 license to run

What software would I need to use the HC?

I shall expand on the above as I am not very clear in what I am asking. To run HC I will need to have a separate PC from the one which I game on and I was wondering if this machine would run on Windows 7 or Windows server software?

Edited by eatonm62

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You will need either a separate PC on the same LAN as the server (not recommended) or for best results you run the HC on the same machine as the server and assign it different cores. Machine can run Windows 7 or Windows server software.. not sure about Linux availabilty for HC... it will be it's own download in Steam and similar to the existing A3 server package.

See here for more info:


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