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Looping a simple script help

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Hi guys,

I've searched around a tried a few ideas with no joy. I was wondering how do I simply make the following script loop every 3 minutes? Many thanks!

While {true} do {

Sleep 180;


_dropunits = _x;

if ((side _dropunits) == east) then {

if ( ({(_dropunits distance _x) > 2000} count playableUnits) == ({isplayer _x} count playableUnits) ) then {

deletevehicle _dropunits;



} forEach _dropunits;

Sleep 10;

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Are you seeking to remove AI that have strayed too far from the player group?

The script is really confusing because you reference _dropunits as the array as well as the single element of the array selected as _x.

As for the loop, the sleep 180 will work if you have a close }; for the while-do, and the script works. But I suspect it will error out.

This is what I'm seeing:

While {true} do 
Sleep 180;
	_dropunits = _x;
	if ((side _dropunits) == east) then 
		if (({(_dropunits distance _x) > 2000} count playableUnits) == ({isplayer _x} count playableUnits)) then 
			deletevehicle _dropunits;
} forEach _dropunits;
Sleep 10;

Edited by OpusFmSPol

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