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how to? create triggers from an array, and then assign a unique variable name to each

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using "I" as global variable in a for from loop

for "I" from 0 to (count _array - 1 ) do
t = createTrigger _params;
// how do I assign a unique id to each trigger? i.e. t1,t2,t3,t4 etc

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Try this:

for "I" from 0 to ((count _array) - 1) do {missionNamespace setVariable ["t" + (str I), createTrigger _params]};

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here is the problem I am having,

Using DAC I am trying to create the zones dynamically with an array of locations. The problem I am having is even using

_array = nearestLocations [player,["NameCity","NameVillage"],1500];
for "i" from 0 to (count _array - 1) do
_loc = _array select i;
_pos = position _loc;

_t = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_pos];
missionNameSpace setVariable ["zone" + (str i),_t];

z = missionNameSpace getVariable ("zone" + (str i));
//setTriggerArea and activation
//now the problem is that DAC requires a named zone inside the array passed to the function, which is spawned from the onAct of the trigger, 
when I use the array null = ['z',[i,0,0],[3,1,50,50],[],[],[],[0,6,0,1]] spawn DAC_Zone from z setTriggerStatements ["time >1","null =  ['z',[i,0,0],[3,1,50,50],[],[],[],[0,6,0,1]] spawn DAC_Zone",""] I get an error that there are two zones with the same name even though z refers to each trigger created from the array.

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Unless I'm missing something, z isn't referring to each, it's referring to the last one created. It's outside the cycle and doesn't have a cycle of its own.

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so would I need to put z in the for from loop then?

--- edit -- mmm, I made a post but had to rethink it because using the Format command will be difficult used in conjunction with setTriggerStatements.

I would think yes, but not certain. Putting it in a loop of it's own could work as well. I know it can be done, just need to think it through. May have to put a loop inside a loop to keep Format from having a fit. It needs special attention when encountering strings inside the format.

Edited by OpusFmSPol

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Try this and see if it works:

_array = nearestLocations [player,["NameCity","NameVillage"],3000];
_count = 0;

//Get the position
_loc = _array select _count;
_pos = position _loc;

//Set the trigger.
_t = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_pos];

//Format the zone variable.
missionNameSpace setVariable [format ["zone%1",_count],_t];
z = missionNameSpace getVariable format ["zone%1",_count];

//Format the trigger statement.
_onAct = format ["null = [z,[%1,0,0],[3,1,50,50],[],[],[],[0,6,0,1]] spawn DAC_Zone;",_count];

//setTriggerArea and activation
z setTriggerStatements ["time >1",_onAct,""];

// Index up for the next zone
_count = _count +1;
} forEach _array;

An issue I ran into was the z variables causing this error to be thrown in .rpt:

Error in expression <null = [17523: <no shape>,[0,0,0],[3,1,50,50],[],[],[],>
 Error position: <<no shape>,[0,0,0],[3,1,50,50],[],[],[],>
 Error Invalid number in expression
Error in expression <null = [17524: <no shape>,[1,0,0],[3,1,50,50],[],[],[],>
 Error position: <<no shape>,[1,0,0],[3,1,50,50],[],[],[],>
 Error Invalid number in expression

debugger didn't like the <no shape> in the zone ID. Don't know if DAC will reject it since 'z' identifies the zone by variable name.

Edited by OpusFmSPol

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only creates one zone :(. Wondering if there is a function in DAC to create the zones dynamically now.

---------- Post added at 09:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:11 AM ----------

found this, wondering if it will work

// ["nameOfTheZone","nameOfTheScript"] execVM "CreateSector.sqf"
// "nameOfTheScript" = You can start a script if the sector is conquered by friendly units

_sector = call compile (_this select 0);
_callString = _this select 1;

sleep (1 + random 1);

_area = triggerArea _sector;
_id = round (random 10000);

call compile format["sec%1 = createTrigger [""EmptyDetector"",position _sector]",_id];
call compile format["sec%1 setTriggerActivation [""ANY"", ""PRESENT"", true]",_id];
if(((triggerArea _sector) select 2) == 0) then
call compile format["sec%1 setTriggerArea [(_area select 0), (_area select 1), 0, true ]",_id];
call compile format["sec%1 setTriggerArea [(_area select 1), (_area select 0), 0, true ]",_id];
call compile format["sec%1 setTriggerStatements [""this"", """", """"]",_id];

mySectors = mySectors + [[call compile format["sec%1",_id],_callString]];

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The single zone could have to do with the range setting. You had 1500 originally; I used 3000 on Utes in order to have Strelka and Kamenyy detected. If you place hint str count _array under the first line, it'll tell you on screen how many town/villages were detected.

--- edit-- Another possibility is this?:

_onAct = format ["null = [""zone%1"",[%1,0,0],[3,1,50,50],[],[],[],[0,6,0,1]] spawn DAC_Zone;",_count];

Edited by OpusFmSPol
the finicky format got me again

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got it working thanks man. Now to find a way to get DAC working w/ HAC :cool:

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