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How to make AI units not talk as much

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Haven't really found a satisfactory answer to this, but is there anyway to turn off the AI constant reporting of enemy units, or any mod that does this. Reporting of the same enemies over and over is a mission ruiner.

Edited by MB24

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Haven't really found a satisfactory answer to this, but is there anyway to turn off the AI constant reporting of enemy units, or any mod that does this. Reporting of the same enemies over and over is a mission ruiner.

Try this command.

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Use the enableSentences command.

Make a trigger with the On Act field containing this:

enableSentences false;

If you want to change back, have another trigger with:

enableSentences true;

Using radio activation of triggers is a simple way to turn this on and off. Finally, you may like to try out https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/fadeRadio - as a note, I must say that I have not tried this out, but it might be useful just to reduce the volume so it's more like chatter in the background.

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