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[WW4 EXT] [SP] By Zulu1

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I am releasing these two missions as is.

I lost interest in working on them for now.

They are fun to play and should provide a lot of action.

They have objectives, briefings and ends should work.

1.) ww4_noe_fight.Noe

-CreateSquad script by Backoff & DeaDMeaT

-CAS script by BAS

-TransportBox script by MadMax

-HeliTransport script by Scumball

-other scripting by me.

2.) ww4_arctic_battlefield.KEGnoecain_snow

-Random patrol scripts by xcess and ])rStrangelove

They are made for ww4mod2.5 (patch1 required)



and Kenoxites WW4_EXT and Non bundled 3rd party addons


and Mission #2 requires Kenoxites WW4_Ext_Arctic module


plus a couple of addons I've included in missions file


Edited by Zulu1

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Both these missions are pretty hardcore, and some nice transport options, that work well and are easy to use. I was very unlucky to not complete either of them, but still some great battles. I'll give them another try at some point.

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