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Displayname issue

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Hello all!

Im working on a towing tractor for A3 and im having an issue. The displayname of the vehicle when in the editor is showing as "Towing Tractor" (as it should) and the top-down editor icon is showing the correct picture (as it should), however, when I load the vehicle in game, and aim my cursor at it, its displayname is "Quadbike" (the vehicle it inherits from), and the icon on the map is the quadbike's icon. but AGAIN, when I get in the towing tractor in-game, in my vehicle information panel at the top of the screen it displays "Towing Tractor" as its displayname.

any ideas what might be happening?

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heres my config. I left out the Physx and sound sections, let me know if anyone would like those included.

class CfgPatches
class ATLAS_Wheeled
	units[] ={"ATLAS_B_TowingTractor","ATLAS_O_TowingTractor","ATLAS_I_TowingTractor"};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.10;
	requiredAddons[] = {};

class CfgVehicles
class Quadbike_01_base_F;
class ATLAS_TowingTractor_base: Quadbike_01_base_F
	_generalMacro = "ATLAS_TowingTractor_base";
	driverforceoptics = 0;
	driveroptics = "";
	author = "ATLAS";
	maxspeed = 20;
	transportSoldier = 0;
	driverAction = "TowingTractor_Driver";
	memorypointsgetindriver = "pos driver";
	memorypointsgetindriverdir = "pos driver dir";
	memorypointexhaust = "vyfuk start";
	memorypointexhaustdir = "vyfuk konec";
	driverlefthandanimname = "volant";
	driverleftleganimname = "";
	driverrighthandanimname = "";
	driverrightleganimname = "pedal";
	simulation = "carx";
	getInAction = "";
	getOutAction = "";
	extCameraPosition[] = {0,1.5,-9};
	hideWeaponsDriver = 1;
	enableGPS = 1;
	enableRadio = 1;
	enableWatch = 1;
	enableCompass = 1;
	fuelcapacity = 300;

	memoryPointTrackFLL = "T_1_1_ext"; 
	memoryPointTrackFLR = "T_1_1_int"; 
	memoryPointTrackBLL = "T_1_2_ext"; 
	memoryPointTrackBLR = "T_1_2_int"; 
	memoryPointTrackFRL = "T_2_1_int"; 
	memoryPointTrackFRR = "T_2_1_ext"; 
	memoryPointTrackBRL = "T_2_2_int"; 
	memoryPointTrackBRR = "T_2_2_ext";
               class Exhausts
		class Exhaust1
			position = "vyfuk start";
			direction = "vyfuk konec";
			effect = "ExhaustEffectHTruck";
	class TransportItems
		class _xx_ToolKit
			name = "ToolKit";
			count = 2;
	class TransportWeapons{};
	class TransportBackpacks{};
	class TransportMagazines{};

	class SpeechVariants
		class Default
			speechSingular[] = {"veh_vehicle_car_s"};
			speechPlural[] = {"veh_vehicle_car_p"};
	textSingular = "$STR_A3_nameSound_veh_vehicle_car_s";
	textPlural = "$STR_A3_nameSound_veh_vehicle_car_p";
	nameSound = "veh_vehicle_car_s";

	class Turrets {};

	hasGunner = 0;

	mapSize = 2;
	displayName="Towing Tractor";

	class Damage

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