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AOWarfare Takistan File NEEDED|2NT Realism Server Coming Soon|HELP

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Hello everyone I am [2NT] Pvt. Tristen from 2NT.

I'm currently developing a brand new Realism server for my LT. of 2NT and other members. I think they will really enjoy it and the public will too.


I need your help!

I need somebody to 1. code in and send me a file of the scenario AOWarfare takistan or I need a assistant/helper to help me create this.

Here's the plan I have.

For this new server I'm thinking something so real that it makes you feel like your close to war.

Takistan Insurgency+ a lot of other mods such as the @usaf mod and the chinook mod,MRAP mod, and more. Just a whole lot of mods I tell you! It will add realism to arma 3 in any way with state of the art warfare by special scripting,modding,and building im doing to the map. Civilians wondering around in towns,Animals spotted around towns or sandy mountains,IED's scattered everywhere,suicide bombers,insurgent clothing. SO MUCH! Basically in short words I'm making it as real as Afghanistan. Even modding in different cars for the civilians.


I need someones help!

Virtual Ammobox,Vehicle Spawner,and crazy hard scripting like that. I try and try to find out how to do it but I always fail. Especially on creating a "insurgency" / open world game.

What will you get out of this?

-Name on front "created by" mission idle

-Whitelisted Slot for Pilot (yes to fly you need to be in a pilot slot and most slots will be whitelisted)

-Private Slot (the server is going to get full a lot trust me)

-more rewards will be given after development.

Thank you.

Sorry if this is in wrong section of fourms I couldn't find anywhere else.

My Skype: RangerGuy338

My Steam: KI11ERSHARK18

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You could also ask on my thread ...

Good to see big but don't forget about playabilty ( mission performance ) .

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You could also ask on my thread ...

Good to see big but don't forget about playabilty ( mission performance ) .

Oh your the owner and creator of the map?

I have just contacted you on steam for some questions.


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