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" Import - Zone of imported data is far fron project reference zone.

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Sorry for my bad English

I'm using a translator Gloogle

I'm having this error in Terrain Builder

"" Import - Zone of imported data is far from project reference zone. Date can not be imported "

This is happening a few days ago, not before

and only happens with my island of Cabrera, not with other projects (map samples, starter kit map, etc.)

They know that I can occur and how to fix it?

Thanks for your time


Here I found a solution here here but data for

Easting (m): 2.00000

Nortthing (m): 0

not work if I change the UTM zone.

what would the new data to be entered in

Easting (m) limitis (65000, 825000)

Northing (m) limits (-7872, 892 127)



Perdón por mi mal inglés

Estoy usando gloogle traductor

estoy teniendo éste error en Terrain Builder

"" Import - Zone of imported data is far fron project reference zone. Date cannot be imported"

Esto está pasando hace unos dias, antes no

y solo me ocurre con mi isla de Cabrera, no con los demás proyectos (map samples, kit starter map, etc,)

Saben que puedo ocurrir y cómo solucionarlo?

Gracias por vuestro tiempo

Edited by SinGloT

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jjj Gracias Bro

Thank a lot

PD: run perfect

Edited by SinGloT

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On 8/22/2014 at 10:18 AM, Greenberet40 said:

Its very simple erase the georeference data from L3DT when you save your proyect (xyz or ASCCII) in menu "options" georeference=false

and voillaaa¡¡¡¡ now you can import your terrain heightmap to terrain builder


http://imageshack.com/a/img538/332/tNSAg7.jpg (165 kB)

Hello, I have the sample problem, we are now in 2020 and we can't acces to Options with ASC files


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