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I can't get mods to work on dedicated server.

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I can add missions just fine, but if I try to add mods they don't seem to work. I'm using TADST and I have all the mods checkmarked and they should be in the right load order.

If I install a modded map for example, and set the launch parameter into the server, the mods don't show up in the server at all. Not even on the mission select screen or anything. If I set the launch parameter on the client, the modded map actually shows up. However, if I try to select a mission designed for that modded map I am sent to a loading screen, but nothing is actually loading. I know nothing is loading because my hard drive has no activity.

It isn't the maps or the missions themselves that are not working. I can get them working just fine in single player and listen servers, but not on a dedicated server.

This is very frustrating. Tons of people run mods on their servers, yet I can't find the official way to put a mod on a dedicated server. The only relevant thing I found was this, but from what I reading the issues I'm having aren't mentioned and shouldn't be happening.

I changed this post to be a little easier to understand.

Edited by Cyprus

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Launch params need to be on the server not the client... not sure where you read that. Client has launch params as well but really all you need is the -mod param to load up mods. The server is more complicated there are more params as well as a server.cfg file.

Example server startup line:

-mod=@CBA_A3;@ALiVE -port=2402 -profiles=Profiles -maxplayers=32 -cfg=basic.cfg -BEpath=battlEye -noFilePatching -maxMem=2048 -cpuCount=2 -config=server.cfg -name=A3Server -noLogs

That thread you linked can provide more info with regards to server params

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Launch params need to be on the server not the client... not sure where you read that. Client has launch params as well but really all you need is the -mod param to load up mods. The server is more complicated there are more params as well as a server.cfg file.

Well I didn't read it, I discovered it through testing. Mods only show up in my server if I add a launch parameter for them in the client. If I add a launch parameter on the server only the mod doesn't show up.

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Do you have the mods installed on your server as well ie: you've uploaded them or if you have desktop access to the server you've downloaded the required mods? I don't understand what you mean when you say they only show up if you add the launch param on your client. Do you mean you install the mods on your client and they work fine there? If so you need to do the same for the server.

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