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New Middle Eastern Styled Buildings

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I have no mod making experience and have no idea how to make building mods for Arma 3. On with the point, the Operation Arrowhead buildings are great in all, but it would be nice to see some new diversity in the buildings, and more compatibility for Arma 3. So I guess my dream would be some sort of community project that made some new maps using all Arma 3 stuff, and those new buildings. No more ported maps from Arma 2 and Arrowhead. It's Arma 3, right? :D

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Mod requests go into the addon request forum, this should get moved there.

I do agree with the point we should have this stuff tho.

But yeah, moderator will move this.

Your welcome.

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Crap, I'm sorry...I'm new to the new forum stuff. How do I delete/move it?

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We're (smokedog and myself) working on all the oa stuff ATM. Porting all the houses and such to a3. Adding upgrades like breaking glass. Turning door knob. Lights.

As soon as I get done with the bug checking I think we will release the objects for people to use, as well as give them to CUP.

If your interested to see what stuff will be in the mod folder check out my YouTube channel.

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M1lkm8n does that mean the old A2 Community maps and A1 maps etc, will be able to be either re-packed to include your buildings or have a config done to replace their buildings with yours ?


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Well the buildings I've upgraded to a3 use will be eventually included in CUP(community upgrade project) and packaged as a standalone jbad_structures (which is smokedog and myselfs tag).

With cup I think eventually all a1 a2 stuff is eventually going to be upgraded.

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That's great news... So many original maps and community maps would literally come alive again with re-modeled structures. Are you doing all the clever pathing too, so that AI can use them and fortify them etc ?


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