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Questions on the evaluation of the winners

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From rules page in the section "Evaluation of Entries and Selection of Winners" for Selection of Finalists:

The Criteria according to which the finalists will be selected from each of the categories Total Modification, Multiplayer Game Mode and Addon are determined as follows (each of the following categories is of equal value):

  • Technical quality: technical design, optimization and innovative solution of an Entry;
  • Originality: originality and innovation of an Entry's concept;
  • Experience: overall gameplay experience, balance of design and challenge presented by an Entry;
  • Presentation: coherence and consistency of an Entry's presentation in terms of functionality and expression.

  1. Does this refer solely to content submitted (PBO)?
  2. Or also the MANW content page?
  3. Or other external resources (wiki with more info, readme.txt, etc)?

And for Selection of Winners:

Selection of Winners from individual groups of finalists will be carried out by a Jury composed of representatives of the partners of the Contest, other independent individuals and the representatives of the Organizer.

Complete list of Judges will be announced on upon the Submission launch at the Contest Website.

Method of evaluation and decision-making:

  • Each member of the Jury will judge all finalist entries from each category.
  • Each member of the Jury will be given the same amount of score points to be distributed in each category.
  • The score points a Judge has available for a particular category could be distributed freely among any number of finalist entries of the category.
  • [...]

  1. What are the criteria the jury will make its judgement based on? Same as above?
  2. What will they use and do as a source for their decision making - just "loading the PBO ingame"? Or other external resources as well?
  3. For MP Game Mode - will it be played in a real multiplayer environment against other human players, or how?

Thank you

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Hello kju, thanks for your questions. :)

Regarding the Selection of Finalists:

  • ad 1) Yes, the criteria apply only to the contribution itself. Other promotional activities of the contestants do not influence the selection of Finalists.
  • ad 2) MANW content page, wiki info or website are not considered to be part of a contest entry. The promotion opportunities are meant to give the contestants chance to promote their work in the community, get visibility on the contest website etc.
  • ad 3) The information required to install and use a contest entry are mandatory part of the submission, and may come in any suitable form (TXT readme, ingame instructions etc.). The point is to give us enough information to be able to judge the entries properly, the readme's form and content will not be judged. E.g. if you deliver a plain TXT explaining the setup of your MP mission and what are the special rules and controls of it, it is just what we need.

Regarding the Selection of Winners:

  • ad 1) The criteria of the Jury are purely subjective, in order to allow every member of Jury to express his professional and personal preferences. Jury will be judging the cream of the crop of the contest entries, hence more freedom for Jury to promote the entries which would seem special to them.
  • ad 2) Jury members will focus on the entries themselves, they will not give points for nice websites etc. As for the internal infrastructure, the Jury members will have all BI's support to be able to judge all the Finalist entries in the required extent.
  • ad 3) Yes, of course, servers will be arranged to ensure the Jury has chance to have the full experience. We are considering whether to make the servers public or whether to use a more private environment.

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  Edge said:

Yes, of course, servers will be arranged to ensure the Jury has chance to have the full experience. We are considering whether to make the servers public or whether to use a more private environment.

Why not both? To fully experience something one must give it a go in both environments and see how it works in either of those. Some missions shine in being public-friendly, some in hardcore-private, and some try to get the best of both worlds, and it would be ashamed if any of those aspects would be missed when experimenting with the submissions.

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