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Difficult mission

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Can anyone help me for the 2nd mission(scrap) in resistance?

It's too tough, i try not to alert the guards but i always fail.

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I actually have no idea how I finaly managed to finish that one.

It was a bitch! tounge.gif

Two guidelines however: (Using Plan B)

1. locate and waste the tank crews the first thing you do. (a dragunov could be useful here)

2. take over at least one armoured vehicle to take down the guys from the castle.

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I guess you mean that one when you should steal some tanks...?

This is how i completed it:

In the beginning, choose Dragunov as first weapon.

Use plan B. Have your soldiers to walk in line and dont fire. When you are in the forest, and have the castle-ruins to the right and the tanks in front of you/to the left, call in the extra squad (0-0-1) . When you get command of them, give  yous soldiers free-fire order and start to advance proning. Kill the guy standing at the BMP with NVG's first. If the alarm goes off, just advance against the tanks, and kill everybode whos running down from the castle. Then let some of your men get into some of the tanks, while youre trying to snipe off the RPG-guys at the castle. Then get in as commander or gunner in the T80. By now, Tasmanian Devil should have reported incoming tanks, but just blow em up, and then head for the mountains (I think "the tanks" are just two T72's and one BMP)

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I did it the first time by first wasting the Tank & BMP plus some troops that come to you as soon as the mission begins at the base. Then leading your team to the first waypoint. Then going "stealth" though the forest to the back of the castle. Stowe your team where it won't get in the way nor alert the Castle soldiers.

I then had the luck to find a wasted russian lying in the forest close to the castle, with a silenced Bizon (have no clue of who wasted him). I took the Bizon, and with it I wasted the Castle teams (including the tank crew close to the first fire). Once the castle was mine, it got easier (the tanks can't climb all the way, so you are relatively safe as long as you keep wasting the soldiers who come for you).

Then, I used the Dragunov to kill those soldiers in the ennemy base, while keeping away from the tanks. Once the infantery is out, you can move more freely around. Then, I took the tanks away with the RPG (hiding like a rabbit between 2 shots). The soldier with the Bizon also had some satchel charges which came handy to destroy those tanks which were foolish enough to try to try to climb to the castle and got stuck in the slope (just get close to the tank from behind, lay your charge & boom).

However, I am now trying to do that mission again (I would like to capture more weapons than I did on the first try), and I can't find that bloody "Bizon" soldier. Still trying to locate him...

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My approach albeit effective, requires alot of coordination. But it's always a solution that can be considered...

I set my squad to stealth mode and ordered them to line formation (don't have to worry about being flanked in the woods, it's al basically a frontal assault).

I told them to stay there, and by myself with the SVD Dragunov which I took from the previous mission ( I cleared up the battlefield like the VietCong and took every piece of ammo and every weapon then put them in the PSV) and crept up to the castle with 3 grenades.

I then crept through the castle (No infantry there, despite the breifing) and positioned myself by the wall where all the crew and troops are near the fire.

I then ordered my men to their feet and told them to attack the set of tents half way down the hill.

Immediately after this, before they could be spotted by the Soviets I tossed a grenade over the wall and killed all the guy by the fire, then made a running lob to try and get those by the middle tents who by this time were running about like a chicken that had swallowed a hand grenade. killing some of them, then ran to the far (right hand side) of the castle and ran over the wall via the planks.

Once over killing any troops retreating down the hill and those amongst the building or trying to get to the tanks.

I then ordered my squad which at this time were all still alive due to my noisy SVD drawing the fire, down to the middle of the hill. from my high ground firing position I took out 3 of the Spetz Natz as they hit the ground.

The guys on the hill will keep pouring fire down onto those by the tanks and buildings. Whilst ordering the reinforcements in.

Basically mop up any wounded and get in the tanks and wait for the counter-attack.

Once that has been dispersed, I did my viet cong thing again and issued all my men with take NV Goggles commands, take weapons, take ammo etc and placed all the Spetz Natz Bisons and infantry weapons in the ammo truck which I took with me back to the base, The tanks dont need commanders anyway when they're in formation as u can just issue targets commands. Once the tanks are all re-armed, fuel and repaired, we went back to the rendevous point.

In all I took me about 4 fresh starts and about 10 loads for me to devise it and get the coordination right. And here all you have to do Is follow my lead here, if you choose this approach by the way.

Oh to rap up and possibly sell it to you, I didn't incure a single casualty during the mission.

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Didn´t manage to stay unnoticed, i used Plan B.

No special weapon used, just a plain AK-47CZ.

Crawled down the slope behind the first structure, killed the stationary guards and patrol, then embarked into the T-80´s gunners position.

Called for support 0-0-1, and began to engage everyone coming down from castle ruins (tank crews have priority).

By the time the squad arrived there was no more action, i had them embark into the tanks and set up a line formation facing the small counterattack, that was basically it.

The rest is just some weapons collecting , rearming, repairing and RTB.

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I cant see anything in the dark so i cheated by setting gamma and brightness very high tounge.gif and then i sneakes via the left side alone and then i got in the T80 as gunner and shot everyone and then aimed at the hill above where the other enemy's come from and then called the reenforcements who got in the other tanks so i had every tank (i repaired the T80 after that) and then went home..

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I did it exactly the same way as FW200, that gamma setting is handy for night missions tounge.gif

- Take Bizon (Think it is available) - Silent and Large Magazine

- Go with Plan 1

- Crawl near to base

- Kill 2 Russians on walk about patrol - to you right

- Kill 2 Russians beside fire in base

- Crawl into base and kill the other 2 Russians that are just standing about.

- By now the alarm may be sounding.

- Get into T80 as gunner

- Kill any Russian tank crews that apper to prevent them getting into the other tanks

- Call in your reinforcements

- Move to commander position in T80

- Order 2 of reinforcements to get into your T80 Driver, Gunner

- Order reinforcements to take all the tanks, remember all you need to steal a tank is a driver.

- Fire HEATs at the castle / camp

- Repair / Rearm at trucks

- If spare reinforcements, steal the trucks too tounge.gif

- Using Map view order all to go to own base / end mission point.

- Go with them and take out the T72 / BMP that you will meet on the way back - Remember if the T72s only have driver thay cannot fire back.

- Proceed to base

- Mission complete Resistance is now +1 T80 +3 T72 and maybee a truck or two (you dont keep these to the next mission though confused.gif)

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Not to sure I think it was plan B that makes it so you can ambush with your men. I picked that one.

I went around back of the tanks. told my guys not to fire, right clicked all visibl enemies, saved, then told them all to attack, once they were all down i ordered me and a AI into the T-80 while all the other AI's i told them to get in the tanks AI drivers, i saved it, then i wiped out the rocket launchers enemies, then told my guys to get in formation, took a right, went up the high mountain with the AI, long drive tounge.gif, then once we were up at the top mountain it was home free, i told the AI to go to the meeting spot, while i went down at 250mph down the mountain with a t-80 and killed to t-72 and BMP. becarful your team AI has a tendencie to flip the tanks down the hill lol.


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20 days old and the original poster had been deleted thus a proper banning, think it best not to reply to these smile.gif

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