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Possible to copy and paste between two projects

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I have two projects in terrain builder, lets call them Pro A and Pro B.

Is it possible to select a village in Pro A, copy and then paste in Pro B?

I tried to fix so I got identical template libraries (or atleast those objects) but haven't got it to work yet.

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Is it possible to select a village in Pro A, copy and then paste in Pro B?

Assuming all the objects for the Village are on the one layer, then it's probably easiest to just export the objects as a list, and re-import them into Project B - you WILL need the same Template Library contents loaded in Project B, but you can simply import all the Template Libs from Project A, which guarantees that all the objects will be available.

In the template library section, click the "load Template Library" icon, then navigate to wherever you saved Project A - look for the "Template Libs" folder - inside you'll find a library file for each of the libraries you have loaded into Project A - just select them all and import to Project B to recreate the same libraries there...


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Ah, perhaps that could work.

bit worried the coordinates will be way off tho, so I would prefer some sort of "relative" import, not absolute. That is however a later concern, will try your trick once I get home.

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Or just import them all, select them all and move them into the proper place. As long as you import into a new layer it's easy to select only these even if they are on top of other objects from other layers :)

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