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Two groups board same veihicle,how?

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This is a simple one im ashamed to say i cant figure it out after trying and looking the forums.

I have three kamaz trucks,and six fire teams,i need two squads to each board one vehicle.Using waypoints in the editor it wont work as the get in wp only works when placed directly over the veihicle name.

Get in nearest only works for empty veihicles.Do i need to script something or is there an editor way im simply missing?

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Have you tried to add the GETIN waypoint of the second fire team pressing shift on the truck? This way instead of opening the first firetam existing GETIN waypoint you will add another one to the Kamaz...

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Have you tried to add the GETIN waypoint of the second fire team pressing shift on the truck? This way instead of opening the first firetam existing GETIN waypoint you will add another one to the Kamaz...

Never knew about the shift thing.Haha day after day in the editor learning how to way more advanced things and didnt know this.

Thanks comrade i will give it a try!

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Just tried this, unfortunately holding shift over the vehicle and clicking will open the trucks info rather than placing the waypoint :(.

EDIT: Does work just seems a little finicky to get attached sometimes

Instead try this for the second group..

Give the vehicle a name.

Give the second group a GETIN waypoint but just place it anywhere. Take note of this waypoints order number when placing it down. (found just below the waypoint type).

Select the leader of the second group and place this in his init box.

((waypoints (group this)) select 1) waypointAttachVehicle trk

Where 1 is the waypoint order number plus one and trk is the name you gave the vehicle.

Usually when you place a waypoint on a vehicle it is automatically doing the above e.g attaching it to the vehicle, this is why it cant be moved once placed.

The above when it runs from the leaders init gets the specified waypoint from its list of waypoints and attaches it to the vehicle.

Gave it a quick test and working ok here, let me know how you get on.

Edited by Larrow

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Just tried this, unfortunately holding shift over the vehicle and clicking will open the trucks info rather than placing the waypoint :(.

A pity, in buildings it works and allows you to put several waypoints on the same building and different buildingPos

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Hmm went back and tried your suggestion again barbolani as if it works for buildings i can not see why it would not work on vehicles. On third attempt i managed to get it to attach, just seems a little finicky to get it attached.

So either way works redarmy, if you have trouble getting it attached via placing it down try my example above.

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select waypoints option, single click fireteam leaader, hold shift on the truck, doubleclick on the truck, edit waypoint... :)

Second option, my favourite nowdays: script everything with 60 lines of code to cover all the possible issues, check: it is not working, check rpt, correct the 60 syntax error, check: it is not working, think 60 minutes why, change things, check: it is not working, post a thread on the forum, use the response, check: it is not working...

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Thanks for the help guys,

Going to try it now.

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