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[COOP-8] Black Ops

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Greetings fellow Armaholics, after a long time, I have updated this mission to use my latest framework and made a few minor tweaks. The main benefit of this is that all supports are integrated into my framework's support dialog.


  • Fixed: AAA Site vehicle is no longer drivable
  • Fixed: AAA Site vehicle now contains enough explosives to destroy it
  • Improved: Various improvements and fixes included in my latest framework



For those who wish to edit the mission to add Virtual Arsenal to the insertion helicopter or the ammo box support drop, the code for this is in the correct place and merely commented out (just search for the text 'Virtual Arsenal' in the init.sqf).

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Thanks for adding VA in, should make things a lot easier :)


Unfortunately, I get kicked out of the helicopter when accessing VA in flight, BiS bug perhaps ?

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Thanks for adding VA in, should make things a lot easier :)

Unfortunately, I get kicked out of the helicopter when accessing VA in flight, BiS bug perhaps ?

It seems to be an issue with VA. Using the action added by this code (tested in SP)

_objHeli = [player, "b_heli_transport_01_f"] call Zen_SpawnHelicopter;
0 = [player, _objHeli] call Zen_MoveInVehicle;

_args = ["addAction", [_objHeli, ["<t color='#FFFF00'>Virtual Arsenal</t>", {["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal}]]];
ZEN_FMW_MP_REAll("Zen_ExecuteCommand", _args, call)

kicks the player out of the helicopter and gives some errors:

14:21:56 Error in expression <layer != player) then {
moveout player;
playerplayer switchaction "playerstand";>
14:21:56   Error position: <playerplayer switchaction "playerstand";>
14:21:56   Error Undefined variable in expression: playerplayer
14:21:56 File A3\functions_f_bootcamp\Inventory\fn_arsenal.sqf, line 383
14:22:02 Error in expression <distToWater interpolate [0.2,0.21,-1,1]>
14:22:02   Error position: <distToWater interpolate [0.2,0.21,-1,1]>
14:22:02   Error Undefined variable in expression: disttowater

I'm guessing that the whole line is

if (vehicle player != player) then {
    moveout player;

If you use

["Open",false] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal
the GUI opens properly and keeps the player in the helicopter, but there is no gear to choose from (only the player's current gear is shown). I also had no luck with the 'AmmoboxInit' mode.

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Greetings fellow Armaholics, after yet another long time, I have ported this mission to 5 new maps and updated it to my latest framework.

Note that the Chernarus, Takistan, Malden, Nogova, and Sahrani version require CUP terrains (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30045). Lingor and Isla Duala require their respective files (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29469) and (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27699) as well as CUP terrains.

Also, I have packaged all missions into a single .7z file for download; the old download links to the individual missions will not longer be available. The new link to the full download is:




  • Fixed: JIP fire support (Chernarus and Takistan version)
  • Added: Isla Duala version
  • Added: Lingor version
  • Added: Malden version
  • Added: Nogova version
  • Added: Sahrani version
  • Improved: Various improvements and fixes included in my latest framework
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I'm going to release an update for Evade and Survive in the next few days that will port it to most of the maps that Black Ops is now on.

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Greetings fellow Armaholics, this latest release ports this mission to Tanoa and offers 3 new enemy factions to choose from.  You can use the additional mission parameter to choose between the AAF (the default and original faction), CSAT, FIA, or Apex guerrillas.  Note that if you choose the Apex faction, you'll need that DLC to scavenge enemy weapons.


I've also added random DLC loadout (for both marksmen and Apex); you'll need to have the DLC in order to receive those loadouts (you'll also see the AI using them).  There is now a mission parameter for fatigue, for those who want to disable that.






  1. Added: Tanoa version
  2. Added: Mission parameter for enemy faction
  3. Added: Mission parameter for fatigue
  4. Added: New DLC loadouts
  5. Improved: Various improvements and fixes included in my latest framework


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