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Detecting if Object NOT present trigger

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Hey guys

I've run into a bit of an issue with the mission that I'm making - basically, there are a whole heap of ammo crates that the player needs to load into a nearby truck - he is stealing them. While I know about the not present trigger, which would be perfect and simple here, I can't seem to get this to work for objects as opposed to units. Basically I want to make it so a trigger fires after a player picks up and loads an ammo box (or, preferably, the whole lot of ammo boxes that are in a certain area, I'm using R3F for that) into a truck.

I thought the best way to do that would be to place a trigger on the ground which fires off once the ammo box is not there. Is there some way I can do a 'not in thisList' type trigger, that's focused on objects and not units?

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set your trigger over the area and set as follows

civilian present repeating


{_x iskindof "reammobox_f"} count thislist == 0

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Works perfectly, thank you very much! Just for my info, is there any reason we're using {} instead of ()?

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It's code so it needs to be run in those brackets.

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