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Ideas & Methods for creating a sandbox guerilla mission.

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Hi there, fellahs.

So I've been fiddling with a few of my own missions. I've been aiming to create a sandbox style, ideally singleplayer/co-op, mission where the player(s) are a small guerilla squad.

My usual method for doing this has been using various scripts (EOS, Upsmon, Spawn script pack) to fill areas with patrolling units. I do a combination of zones (towns, etc) that can be cleared out and secured and general areas of patrolling groups.

However that on its own is insubstantial. Its basically a wander-here-and-engage-on-site type thing, which doesn't really capture the actually nuances of guerilla warfare.

I watched this video and it gives me several ideas, but I'm not sure how to accomplish them?

  1. Natural troop movements, more then just ambient patrols
  2. Cycling convoys. *I can do a simple convoy but ones that go on pepetually?)
  3. Blending into/interactions with a civillian populace

So, I'm asking two things:

  1. Does anyone know good ways to accomplish the above?
  2. Does anyone have additional ideas (and ways to accomplish them) on ways to create a guerilla experience?

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@ALiVE and @CSE addons

I dunno how/why I totally over-looked these. These are some awesome toolsets that give me a lot more to work with! Still, if anyone has specific ideas/suggestions or commentary on how to make an ideal guerilla warfare style mission, please say so.

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