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Maj D. Schultz

Increasing Player Walking Speed Script?

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Any possible way of increasing how fast a "player" can "walk"?

I look at things like the Recoil Fix mod which changes how ALL weapons recoil handles

if (isNil "demiGOD") then


demiGOD = 0;


if (demiGOD == 0) then


demiGOD = 1;

cutText ["Recoil Mod Activated", "PLAIN"];

player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0.57;

{_x setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0.57;} forEach allUnits;




demiGOD = 0;

cutText ["Recoil Original", "PLAIN"];


Is there anyway this could be adjusted to change a players movement speed while walking? Animation issues aside?

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Might be better in the editing and scripting sub forum though


I am interested in this too - I have had a quick test but no luck as yet.

From https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVelocity

Advanced method used for relative acceleration:

_vel = velocity _vehicle;
_dir = direction _vehicle;
_speed = 10; comment "Added speed";
_vehicle setVelocity [
(_vel select 0) + (sin _dir * _speed), 
(_vel select 1) + (cos _dir * _speed), 
(_vel select 2)

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