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Strange Meeting

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I beat the "Montaic must fall mission" and I went on to a mission where you have to evac from Everon called Strange Meeting instend of the mission where you are in the woods by yourself. Now, how do i beat this mission? I can get to the part where we go to Morton and we discover that the Russians took over the base and when all my men are killed, but how do i get past there? When i run in the forest north east east of morton, some guy with a pk shoots me. how am i supposed to get to EA64 for the new evac zone?


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Don't bother going to morton, just get to the evac point your self right after your team investigate the village. Most of the team get killed on the way any way, and in the story they're supposed to die any way.

An easy way to do it is to drive the truck straight to the evac point from the start, just avoid the road and the BMP!:biggrin:

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man alive,i loved that level....when the team gets wasted and you're on your own,seeing those tank patrols while on the top of the hill,timing the run to perfection...OH YES!

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At ce59 turn north and travel (Offroad) to ci55 around the first forest keep driving east to df55 (which is between two other forests). You may see a few infantry but run them over or something, but don't stop. Keep driving to ea60 and you come to a crossroads, ignore the roads at travel to ea64, to the edge of yet another forest, and the mission will automatically end.

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yeah- don bother about going to the farm, go straight to the new evac point, that way, after you're taken captive you can go say hello to your old squad leader while resistance is attacking the camp!

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so, at the beggingig at the mission, take the truck as soon as eeryone gets out, drive foreward past all the infs and i win?

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I'm stuck here too now. I made it to Morden with a few squadies still alive and it cuts to the cut scene where I'm looking at all the damage in the town. Now during the cut scene I am shot and killed!!!!! game hasn't started the screen is still in letter box and I hear gun shots and I'm dead WTF? Lost like 20 minutes of play and some damn hard fightin' Don't really mind, but it was cheap.


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The way I did that was exit forest at Df57 then prone through the bushes dg58 enter next forest exit at dh 63 cross the road get to new evac point best mission love are so many ways to do this mission The best good luck

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