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drunken officer

problems with the mapzoom inside a dialog

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I've a dialog and the most things working fine..

The first thing i'm not understanding is, that when i start the dialog by addaction, the map inside is zoomable by mousewheel. If i start the dialog by comm menu or radio trigger, i can only zoom by numpad (+/-)

So thats why i want to add a vertical slider fot zoom. I'm adding a slider and style = SL_VERT;type = 43;I cant see the slider. If i change the style to SL_HORZ, i can see the slider.

But the most importing thing is, can somebody explain to me, how can i zoom a map with a slider. I test it by an script, but without success.



#include "DOF_AAS\DOFARTY_defines.hpp"

#include "DOF_AAS\DOFArty_dialog.hpp"


class DOFARTY_RscXSliderH


style = 1024;

type = 3;

shadow = 2;

x = 0;

y = 0;

h = 0.029412;

w = 0.400000;

//color[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.7}; weiß

color[] = {0.804,0.773,0.749,1};

colorActive[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};

colorDisabled[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.500000};

arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\slider\arrowEmpty_ca.paa";

arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\slider\arrowFull_ca.paa";

border = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\slider\border_ca.paa";

thumb = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\slider\thumb_ca.paa";


class DOFARTY_RscXSliderV


style = SL_VERT;

type = 43;

shadow = 2;

x = 0;

y = 0;

h = 0.45;

w = 0.06;

color[] = {0.804,0.773,0.749,1};

colorActive[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};

colorDisabled[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.500000};

arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\slider\arrowEmpty_ca.paa";

arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\slider\arrowFull_ca.paa";

border = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\slider\border_ca.paa";

thumb = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\slider\thumb_ca.paa";



class DOFARTY_RscMapControl


... defintion of a map ...



class controls 	{	 	

	   class DOF_MAP: DOFARTY_RscMapControl
			idc = DOF_SUPPORT_Map;
		 x = 0.3 + 0.185;
		 y = 0 + (11 / 50);
		 w	= 0.51;
		h	= 0.6; 
		onMouseZChanged = "";
		onMouseButtonDown = "'"; 

class DOF_zoom_slider : DOFARTY_RscXSliderH 
		idc = 203;
		type = 43; 
		tooltip = "";
		x = 1.2;
		y = 1.1;
		w = 0.45 h = 0.06;
		onSliderPosChanged = "DOF_ZOOM =  format ['%1', (_this select 1)]; hint str dof_zoom "; //
		onMouseZChanged = ""; 
[b]//DOFARTY_RscXSliderV  doesnt works[/b] :confused:


waituntil {sleep 0.5; dialog};
slidersetRange [203,0.01,1];
sliderSetPosition [203, DOF_ZOOM];

_ctrl = DOFARTY_RscMapControl displayctrl DOF_SUPPORT_Map;
_ctrl ctrlmapanimadd [0.1, DOF_ZOOM, (getPos Player)]; // show home base
 ctrlmapanimcommit _ctrl;

Edited by Drunken Officer

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Although it doesn't exactly solve your problem with the slider that zooms the map, I still thought I post what I have found here, first because it's a similar issue and second because I would not have been able to achieve it if not for this post.

Long story short, I managed to make the dialog map zoomable with the mouse wheel, although it's not perfect which you'll see if you decide to test this.

this is the code I use in my OnLoad.sqf (executed onLoad).

mouse_position_2d = _ctrl_map ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseMoving", 

_dialog = findDisplay 1200;
_ctrl_map = _dialog displayCtrl 1300;

_mouse_position_x = _this select 1;
_mouse_position_y = _this select 2;

_position = _ctrl_map ctrlMapScreenToWorld [_mouse_position_x, _mouse_position_y];
position_2d_array_world = [_position select 0, _position select 1];


zoom_map = _ctrl_map ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseZChanged",
_dialog = findDisplay 1200;
_ctrl_map = _dialog displayCtrl 1300;
mapscale = ctrlMapScale _ctrl_map;

if ((_this select 1) <= 0) then {
mapscale = mapscale * 0.8;

else {
mapscale = mapscale * 1.2;

_ctrl_map ctrlMapAnimAdd [0, mapscale, position_2d_array_world];
ctrlMapAnimCommit _ctrl_map;

the problem is that ctrlMapAnimAdd sets the selected position to zoom to in the middle of the map control, so if the point you're zooming to is not exactly in the middle the map will "jump". Now the coursor isn't pointed to location you originally intended to zoom to, and if you move your mouse now the position_2d_array_world will update and the next zoom step will be to a location you didn't intended to zoom to. this means if you use this method you'll have to get used to a slightly different way of zooming the map.

Anyways, I still hope this can be useful, at least it'll be for me.

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Up !!!

Anyone for this problem ??


I'd would like to find a solution, to be able to zoom with the mousewheel !!


Help :(

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