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Resistance & gamespy

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I have yet to purchase Resistance.

I purchased the UK version of OFP early last July. I was one of a handful of

USA players at the time. We all had to use Gamespy to connect to mostly

UK players hosting games. Eventually more people from USA were hosting

games through Gamespy and pings got better because they were closer.

One thing that always puzzled me, why with my DSL connection was there

rarely pings under 150? About October 2001 I found All Seeing Eye.

All Seeing Eye showed dozens of pings below 150. I never saw a ping on

Gamespy less than 120, but with All Seeing Eye I had at least a dozen or

more games to chose with pings less than 100. It doesn't take a genius to

figure out which software to use ASE or GS. I checked back and forth and

the results were always the same ASE showed many more servers than


I have read that Gamespy is the only frontend multiplayer software that will

detect OFPresistance servers. If that is a fact, then I doubt that I will

purchase Resistance. Gamespy was not good software a year ago and it is

worse today. The decision by B.I. or Codemasters to limit server detection

to only Gamespy ignores the dedicated OFP user base whom as a group all

use ASE. Check out the main dedicated servers in USA, Stoners is #1,

Fraghaus is #2, these servers are busy 24/7 almost all players connect through

ASE or directly. I have cruised most of the other serious dedicated servers,

to many to mention. I've chatted with the players. We all are using ASE.

Those that exclusively use Gamespy, as long as your happy that is great.

I have no desire to direct you to another service. But for those of us that

left Gamespy for many, many reasons. B.I. needs to support us too.

B.I. please make a patch that allows ASE to detect and show Resistance

servers. I will await this fix before purchasing Resistance.

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3. This is a dupe of an active thread in MP thus it gets closed, as did your other one in MP.

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