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Markers not showing when i return to server set to persistent

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So I have made a co-op and uploaded to the server, now I have set the server config to persistent, all triggers and task that I set off/complete are shown that way excellent, now the problem is I have markers showing where the next task is, these are not showing, as the maker of the co-op I no where to go to to trigger the next event, but I need the markers to be showing the current state upon our return to the server, where am I going wrong, is there a easy way to fix this as i'm not deep into scripting, I have merely layed markers and given them a name and I use "setMarkerAlpha" to hide or show upon my triggers, thx in advanced

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Markers created during the game don't sync to new players when they join a game in progress.

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Markers created during the game don't sync to new players when they join a game in progress.

Is it possible to make it happen ?

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Yes it is possible. Here is a solution for same situation. You can change the _x setMarkercolor "ColorRed" part in trigger to _x setMarkerAlpha 1 in order to unhide markers for JIP. Marker states will be updated for JIP 30 seconds after connected.


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