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Best Server to run at the moment - Windows, Linux, "Performance Binary"?

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As someone just starting out to run a server again, since last year, there has been lots of changes in the server landscape for Arma 3. Can I have some constructive feedback on anyone that might have run all three of these, or that can say perhaps between one or two of them what the pro's and con's of each are? I am proficient with either Windows or Linux, and I hope this doesn't turn into a debate of operating system as I use whatever is best for the need. Just want to get a feel for what I should run for my server as to get the best performance today.

Some references I have been reading are:



and when I do a google search, it would seem there were questions about what server to run back end of 2013 and various responses, but not many people talking about it in the past few months with the changes in Linux and the "performance binary" from above.


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From a purely best support perpective, Windows all the way.

B.I are always very slow to bring Linux support on board, sometimes many months from a new engine release.

We used to run Linux back in OFP for hosting the VR engine. No more, you simply miss the boat on the influx of new players when the game is released.

Windows also has more Community made utils for it and most folks like GUI's

From a performance perspective.

I don't really know.

I would suspect both sides would argue equally

In a windows environment though, I believe the best performance achievable is when not running VM

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Having tested all 3 options post 1.22 release with full 60 player servers, i'd have to say:

Windows_perf > Wine_perf > Windows_regular > Linux > Wine_Regular.

with AIL <=36. (AI Local)

Linux does not offer you ASM (not sure if running ASM only via Wine would work) nor battlEyeExtended (on the same box)

Wine offers ASM (easy) and BattlEyeExtended (can be a **** to setup, if not following guides precicely - on same box) - some more symlinking required.

Windows easiest to setup. ASM + BattlEyeExtended on same box.

Edited by Ecid

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On my little server wine have a terribile memory allocation and si an @ss0l& to configure properly... Linux version work quite good but mod pannel like ASM dont is aviable (very bad)

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Exactly the kind of information I wanted, thanks a lot for everyone responding. I think I will go with Windows Perf. :-)

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I will add a chart on my server list that will show Platform usage. This could be usefull. I will post the link as soon as I'm allowed.

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