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Grouping not working

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This is complete WTF to me. I'm using the Group tool in the editor and trying to group 2 units together but they won't group (make the cyan line between eachother). If I load a different mission I can group fine. Any idea why this is happening?

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The cyan line will connect the first-clicked unit (the unit you are trying to add to the group) to the leader of the group, which is not necessarily the unit you deselect over.

For instance, unit A is the group leader and unit B is in that group. Unit C is not in a group. When you connect Unit C to Unit B, the line will appear to connect Unit B to Unit A.

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I can confirm grouping is broken, you can lay down a group but you cannot group individual units.. This on latest stable no mods.

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I can confirm grouping is broken, you can lay down a group but you cannot group individual units.. This on latest stable no mods.

Not having any issue here. Latest stable, no mods.

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Ok i tested again and im getting weird results, on a mission i have with lots of game assets like markers, waypoints, objects etc including scripts i cannot group anything, if i strip away all game assets and delete all scripts leaving only mission.sqm i still cannot group, after i do all this if i create new map with nothing on it i still am unable to group, currently trying to find what asset or script might cause this but its hard to lock down, still looking... can using scripts in one mission effect the game as a whole?

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