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Is this possible? Save through mission to mission via Steam Workshop?

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Since im not that good at editing arma 3 missions and have that kind of knowledge, i need to ask.

1: Is it possible to make a "Mission Hub" for example: I start at my base. If I go to the cars, I get a car mission (Example Mission 3) and if I go right to the helicopters, I get another (Example Mission 4), so I can choose what I want to do and feel for to do without having to go to the main menu and choose my mission so I can make it in the game instead. Is it possible via the Steam Workshop?

My guess is that you then get to do a mission in the editor where you have the base and choose where you want to go to do missions and then having to do two other missions separately in the editor (Making Mission 3 and Mission 4 individually otherwise they would be very much clutter on the same map as the base map in the editor) but that it can somehow load this via the "Mission Hub" in the base via a trigger or something.

So if I go to the helicopter it starts mission 4, and if I go to the cars it starts mission 3.


Is it possible to do so some things are saved between missions in the Steam Workshop?

For example, if i do not kill a general mission 1, I get to meet him in mission 2 again. But if I kill him in mission 1, he's gone from mission 2.

Is this possible to do? Since i can't have it as campaign as it is apparently not possible to do in Steam Workshop what i know of.

This would help when I want to do missions but release it every few months, such as The walking dead series where they release episodes every few months. Since I do not have time to do an entire campaign at once and release, but want to do missions when i have time and release it once in a while. But still have it like as a campaign and that it knows the players choices in previous missions/"episodes".

This way it would make it way easier for me since i don't have to create a whole campaign and upload but can release missions/episodes when i finnish one that continues on the previous ones.


1: Can you have a mission hub, like a base that you start from, and then have triggers that you have placed that starts and load "real" missions when you go to them, via Steam workshop?

2: Is it possible to make a mission remember from previous missions and build on that? For example: If i kill a General in mission 1, he is not going to be in next mission 2. But if you don't, then he will appear in mission 2.

So you could have like Missions/"Episodes" that i release for public every month or so, when im finnished with them. Like how The Walking Dead series handles it. Releaseing episodes that continues every month or so. Like a Campaign but without having all the missions completed and released at the same. So that i can choose whenever i want to release the next part.

Hope you guys understand what i mean and appreciate all help i could get on this. Trying to explain as good as i can with my limited english hehe

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1. Yes. And no. If you look into my project (check my signature) you will see I have a hub-based approach, but within a campaign environment. It needs a campaign structure as you can't trigger a scenario from within another scenario. You see, it is possible, but currently not via Steam workshop as it does not support camapigns yet. However, you can also follow my approach, create a small campaign and fill it with content iteratively. If you have like 4-5 missions + hub it's enough for a "mini-campaign" in my opinion. Fell free to take mine apart to see how I did it. Might be a little bit complicated though if you lack the basics and with my way too little usage of code comments.

2. That's rather easy as you could use a player's profileNameSpace to save and read values throughout the whole game. There should be some threads flying around covering this. Just keep in mind to maintain certain variable standards etc. so you don't accidently screw with other user mission's variables as profileNameSpace is so to say "public domain" within a user's Arma version.

As said, you can incremently enrich a small campaign which basically means the same outcome as a set of loose missions, just with the advantage of having campaign functionality at hand which only makes hubs possible.

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Thanks for your good answer!

Hope that one day that #1 will be able to do in the workshop also.

However, on #2, sounds really good! Didn't really belived it could be made.

Will need to read around and find out a way how to use it proberly, since i just can very very basic stuff in scripting. If you or someone else knows of some basic stuff, please share :)

Edited by FortuN

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1. Will be implemented soon.

2. As said, there are some threads covering campaign stuff but if you have specific questions feel free to ask.

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1. Will be implemented soon.

2. As said, there are some threads covering campaign stuff but if you have specific questions feel free to ask.

Thanks! Awesome of you helping, really appreciate!

Some things that i can think of.

Have tested the "Profilenamespace" command a little now. However. What if someone wants to replay the mission? Then the old variables is still left and will probably f*ck up the mission somehow. So then you need to reset it somehow when they restart it. But how?

Also, what is the command to be able to do like a hub, when entering a trigger area so it loads another mission? As described with going to the cars to get a car mission? I guess i then could use the "profilenamespace" to save that the mission "Cars" already been done and can't be activated again (I guess that it is how everyone else is doing it). Have searched for but couldn't find anything about it. So, how could i get a trigger to load a mission?

Lets say that i want just a little base from where you starts from. By going to different areas such as helicopter, it start a mission. Then when you're done, you come back to the base and can do the next.

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To eliminate a value from profileNameSpace set it to nil. For example

profileNameSpace setVariable ["MyTag_MyVar", nil];

will delete it. Would be good practice if you vote against a campaign structure to have some sort of intro mission which cleans up, so users are able to restart the campaign / collection of missions. Using saveVar in a campaign environment is still easier because reverting to an earlier mission will always set the vairbale back to the state it was when the player played it first.

Latter is only possible within a campaign environment. In that case get yourself acquainted with campaign description.exts if you haven't done it already. It's possible to end a mission with any ending code you like and if it's defined properly in your campaign description.ext the game will load up the next mission. If you just want some trigger code it could be for example:


player in car

On Act.

["CarEnd", true, 5] call BIS_fnc_endMission;

But it will only load up the car mission if it's in a campaign environment and it's properly defined in the campaign description.

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Ah thanks, so to start another mission of my choice i need to use endmission with a setup in campaign.

Thats sad, was looking for a way where you maybe could download 3 workshop maps (1 base, 1 car, 1 heli for example) and then when you go to maybe car in the base mission, it would say it required you to download the car map aswell. And then i could somehow specify the location of the map via a SQF file or something so it could know if you had it or not.

But hope that the above info that you linked to, is coming soon. Maybe then i would be able to do "Episode" kind of campaign, and where i could upload new missions to the Campaign whenever i want to.

Thank you for helping

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