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Sat map size?

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So i've started work on a terrain, its 4096x4096 in size. Now from what i've gathered, if you do a 1024x1024 map, you'll need a 10240x10240 sat map, 2048 is a 20480x20480. Now going from that i'm gathering i'd need a 40960x40960 sat map ... what i'm wondering .. is can i use a smaller sat map texture than 40960x40960 and make it easier to work on, or do i have to struggle on?

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the are covered is 589.38 km2 + a little sea around the edges, i basically just did a 40960x40960 box in global mapper that covers the island nicely, 20480x20480 was to to small and i really didnt want to squish it. So i guess it would be

grid size = 4096

cell size = 100

Never been to good at maths so it might be off.

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cell size = 10 - I hope!!!

Sounds good...

4096x4096 heightmap with 10meter spacing/cell = 40960x40960 meters total terrain size.

Satellite image of 40960px x 40960px will produce 1 meter per pixel imagery - a decent "standard" resolution.

Yes - that size of image is almost impossible to work with as a "single image"... You're using Global Mapper however? - you can use the "Gridded Output" option in the Rasters Export options to save the big 40960x40960 image as 4 x 20480x20480 images - load them individually into TB and rearrange them in a 2x2 grid and that should be you with a "40960x40960" which TB will accept and use...

Yes - even after that, TB will be a little slow to work with - mainly things like crunching the layers and processing all the tiles... Its BIG, but its definitely a viable size...

Yes - you COULD save your overall image out of GM at 2 meters per pixel - that would give you a 20480x20480 image covering exactly the same area, but at lower resolution... It'll be generally quicker to work with all round and there's nothing to stop you switching to hi-res later...


Terrain Builder works differently from Visitor 3 - it's much more like Visitor 4... You load your imagery first, and THEN decide on which resolution you'll "sample" it at for your final terrain - so, once that bigass 40960x40960 is loaded and in there - you can simply set "2m/px" at the Mapframe Sampler properties stage, and you'll be working with 2m/px for speed... later, all you need to do is change that parameter to 1m/px - TB will "resample" the underlying data at full res and - you have a 1m/px terrain!

so - I'd load up the full res data - then it's in and you don't need to worry about it any more - you can sample low for initial speed, and later on, sample high for quality... the same underlying data will do for both


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hi , i try to create a new map with grid size = 4096 cell size =10m terrain size = 40960 all work fines only if i export the sat image with a resolution 4 px/m and its pretty faster for packing this in pbo files. but all the satellite image look like little bit blur . i tryed to done this map with a better Satellite image quality and its almost impossible to me to done that. after 5-6 months/20 hours a day to try with dodge or cheat in any kind of way .I cant done nothing better than 4 m/px when i try with a resolution of 2m/px thats create new image in the layers folder, but after export the wrp, when i use buldozer or test it in game , this never allow me to play or see it into game / buldozer .does anyone know how to make a 40960 X 40960 terrain size with a perfect satelitte image of resolution 1m/px (i hope BIS know it) all forum i open and thats talk about terrain size of 40960 all info was wrong with me i tested with one Satelitte of 40960 X 40960 px ,after 2hour of wait then the TB crash, i have now 4 image of 20480 X 20480 and one mask of 4096 X 4096 (in TB i open this property image, and set 40960 X 40960 size) If anyone can help me with this mess ITS WILL BE APPRECIATED .

and too , nice one TB "Dev" 8192 grid size always Crash just lol at this !!!!! why this option is available to see but not for making the terrain . this look like a program from another engine like VBS and the "devs" dont know how to disable this options or allow us to use it!

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