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Respawn IN vehicle

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Hello, I am making a mission where I need a respawn. So I learned the script and its working for me. However, its not exactly what I want.

It only can respawn somewhere, on a place that has been alerady set, or in the place where the soldier died, or squad respawn and side. You know that :)

But I need a respawn in vehicle. First of all, its probably alerady answered, but searching for it is impossible, because everything is "Respawn a vehicle" not "Respawn soldier IN vehicle", so I have to ask here. My vehicle will be something like Chinook or Black Hawk, and it will follow (actually I will pilot) us through the complete mission, to travel from objective to objective. I tried to use the helicopter instead of the marker, but that doesnt work.

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Maybe use something like this?

vehicleToRespawnInto = your_desired_vehicle;

respawnInVehicle = {
player setpos (getpos vehicleToRespawnInto);
(_this select 0) moveInCargo vehicleToRespawnInto;

player addEventHandler ["respawn", {_this spawn respawnInVehicle}];

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Oh nice, I didnt test it yet but the moveInCargo command is enough. I totally forgot on that one :)

Thanks alot

EDIT: Well, can you specify where I have to write this? To the initialization, description.ext or what? I probably didnt do that how you think its supposed to be, and its not working.

Edited by Fifato

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Oh nice, I didnt test it yet but the moveInCargo command is enough. I totally forgot on that one :)

Thanks alot

EDIT: Well, can you specify where I have to write this? To the initialization, description.ext or what? I probably didnt do that how you think its supposed to be, and its not working.

Name your helicopter, give it a variable, for instance: respawnhelo

In init.sqf somewhere in the client section (in case you have seperate client/server sections) you place this:

vehicleToRespawnInto = [u]respawnhelo[/u];

respawnInVehicle = {
player setpos (getpos vehicleToRespawnInto);
(_this select 0) moveInCargo vehicleToRespawnInto;

player addEventHandler ["respawn", {_this spawn respawnInVehicle}];

That should work afaik.

Kind regards,


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Thank you very much, both of you. It works exactly as I wanted :)

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can someone help? would achieve the same in a feedback mission, but that is the IA which reappear in chinoc (HELI, CJ 130, OR OTHER VEHICLE) would then ejected with a script that I have (eyect.sqf) in a trigger. single player achievement reappear but not AI. I already sick of searching the forum, I do not seek the respawn of the crew, but the west units, only to be launched again and again on the basis

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