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Gamespy shutdown, what is about Gamespy URL in Server.cfg?

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Hey guys,

I am not sure whether this question has already been asked. But what is about the server.cfg when Gamespy shuts down?

I am refering to this entry to be found in the server.cfg.

reportingIP = "arma3pc.master.gamespy.com";	

Sorry if this has already been asked, I havent found it then

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No need to be sorry, there are quite a few threads that haven't been officially answered yet.

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No need to be sorry, there are quite a few threads that haven't been officially answered yet.

hmmm, thanks at least to you letting me know. I hope the devs will know what is this about.

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this has been asked many times in the server admin forums

there is nothing to do, no IP to define to report to Steam, its done automatically on your defined steam query port

you just wont see your server in the ingame steam browser, because its very very slow and basically useless at this time.

You will be able to seen your server reporting in the STEAM client browser

to show up on steam a server has to:

1. be known to the steam master server

2. answer requests by all the steam clients


to check whether your server is known to the steam master you can visit

(replace EnterYourServerIpHere with the IP of your server)

(instead of EnterYourServerIpHere you can use EnterYourServerIpHere:steamQueryPort to filter for a specific steamQueryPort on that IP)


you should get something like:

"response": {
	"success": true,
	"servers": [
			"addr": "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:2301",
			"gmsindex": 65534,
			"appid": 107410,
			"gamedir": "Arma3",
			"region": -1,
			"secure": false,
			"lan": false,
			"gameport": 2302,
			"specport": 0


with multiple servers on the same ip you should get multiple servers in the response


make sure that inbounding udp traffic on the steamQueryPort (default is 27016 - or the one you've definded in the server.cfg) can reach your server

e.g. when sitting behind a NAT forward udp traffic on the steamQueryPort to your server

when behind a firewall allow in/outbounding udp traffic on the steamQueryPort

Edited by Terox

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thanks, so I´ll keep searching for further information in the proper forums

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Thanks a million, this was very helpful.... At least I know now that Steam sees my servers....

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